This warms the Capricorn heart and softens the attitude towards partners. Best Match: Venus in Pisces with partners Venus in Capricorn or Taurus, Second Best Match: Venus in Pisces with partners Venus in water signs, Third Best Match: Venus in Pisces with partners Venus in other mutable signs, Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation, Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. However, Venus in Pisces and Venus in Leo share a sense of romanticism. They are deeply peaceful, sweet, and kind men. All four mutable signs live on the transition from one season to another, in terms of what time of year the Sun goes through them. While he may fall in love with more than just a couple of his kindred spirits, he is always connecting with them on a deep level and not out of pure lust or ego. Professionally, he's a monster, and personally, he takes care of himself as best as possible. General, pisces are for fun. You may be shy in many areas of life, but in love you easily take the lead. When these two planets align in a trine, it can create a unique blend of creativity and practicality. He likes a woman who shows special care for him in any situation. fire moon in 10th conj mc. In matters of love and romance, the Pisces sun Capricorn moon person is most compatible with water signs and earth signs. Yet from our point of view on earth, Venus is the first planet on the inside of our orbit going towards the sun. Learn more about the Venus in Capricorn actors, musicians, and celebrities below, including their sun, moon, and rising signs. While the Venus in Pisces woman loves to be swept off her feet, there is also a side of her that can be drawn to people or animals who seem to need help. So, it has the inner force that can help you. Virgoan modesty will present a charming challenge to prospective lovers, but one should learn to break down any barriers that may come between the self and fulfillment in all aspects of relationships. Arian financial enterprise is increased here, sometimes giving the ability to sell well. Her emotional displays can be intimidating to people who are not accustomed to her. Taurean possessiveness is less likely to be a stumbling block, but emotional security is important. This adds to the kind, humanitarian and charitable qualities of Aquarius and warms the emotions, making the subject more responsive and less distant. The sensitive watery emotion of Pisces combined with the fiery passion of Aries makes one an ardent but caring and tender lover. They love women who are jovial and take it easy kind. She need not be robust or aggressive. Once they see it, they can build it. Possessiveness may mar the relationship. Hes not willing to debase himself by lowering his language or by involving himself in things that arent worthy of his time. Occasional extravagances should be enjoyed rather than viewed as reasons for guilt. Aries and Aquarius are the signs on either side of Pisces. There is a wide circle of friends, who often share philanthropic or intellectual interests. Posts: 474From: ON CanadaRegistered: Apr 2009, Copyright 2000-2016 This adds warmth and passion to the cool detachment of the Aquarian Sun. i get sag, leo, fire sign alot and scorpio from a fellow taurus. This considerably increases the Sagittarian love of independence yet cools the ardent passions of that sign. Financial flair may be present, but hastiness when investing could cause problems. Pisces is associated with the water element giving your personality an otherworldliness quality. He's a very hard-working individual who sets his own pace and never strays too far from it. Here is a good friend, but one who may become suspicious. They show you how they can take care of you rather than trying out grand romantic actions. The challenge for these two is that Venus in Pisces may have an emotional intensity that overwhelms Venus in Gemini. Its not that he isnt used to or that hes cautious, its that it would be very difficult and go against his nature to do it. The blending of earth (Capricorn) and water (Pisces) is excellent, since Venus will help steady the gush of Piscean emotion. A Venus in Pisces woman may be intensely sentimental. They arent into dating for a fling. Venus stays within two signs of the Sun in terms of relative position to Earth. However, this doesnt mean that he lacks emotion, but that hes not that good at showing it. The characteristics of Venus in Capricorn (see left) will be very evident. They are all about long-term commitments. Constancy and loyalty are important, but Cancerian moodiness and snappiness may combine with Leo bossiness and must be controlled if the individual is to relax and enjoy this sphere of life. There are two ways that a planet can be especially comfortable in a sign. Social climbing is less pronounced, and time will be spent enjoying relationships and children, rather than worrying about material matters. Furthermore, Venus in Capricorn luck will locate you. He looks for soulmates rather than just partners or flings. The image is spiced with originality and too much sparkle at times. Your mystique intrigues others and you can be intense and sexually arousing to others, yet you don't flaunt this energy. . While Capricorn doesnt take much leisure time, they purchase symbols of their status. No matter what happens in the world, industries like education, healthcare, food, and banking arent going anywhere. Your identity will be characterized by the Pisces themes of belonging, glamour, and spirituality. The increased sexuality of this combination weakens the otherwise wholly romantic Libran outlook on love, and adds an intensity and sense of purpose that can otherwise be lacking. The Geminian mistrust of emotion can cause problems with this passionate placing, but there will be good rapport and friendship, and sexual fulfillment once the tendency to rationalize is overcome. The emotional force and expression of love are very powerful, but the inclination to worry over the partner and family is immense, and the Cancerian capacity for caring may also get out of hand with friends. (Read more about the personality of the Capricorn Man & Capricorn Woman), So, this can be a turn-off for some people who feel Capricorn is not particularly spontaneous or exciting. They approach love affairs with surprising caution, but must realize that selfishness and possessiveness can cause more damage than might be imagined. Infidelity and trying to get the best of both worlds is common, often hurting the permanent partner. They are looking for a husband or a wife who can handle everyday responsibilities as well as they can. Someone with this combination could be intuitive yet practical, as well as very nurturing to their loved ones on multiple levels. Both Aries and Aquarius tend to push forward toward whatever excitement they can find. He wants a woman who is somewhat formal or aloof and as concerned about status as he is. So, the important thing that can help you in the future is having an honest conversation about your future. Id love to hear about your experience. Budding relationships may be damaged because the subject feels that no prospective partner is good enough. Venus doesnt move from sign to sign at exactly the reliable times that the Sun does, but Venus travels no more than two signs away from the Sun at any given time. Pisces Compatibility With Each Zodiac Sign Vekke Sind, [] Who is Venus in Pisces compatible with? Once a pisces woman and . Leo sensitivity is greatly increased; this individual may suffer more than seems possible. Be prepared for a stable and practical relationship. At your best, the individual is romantic with a love of good living, and will give much to a partner both through warm-hearted affection and sex. The Venus in Capricorn man is unwilling to even think about lying or deceiving his partner. Scorpio jealousy will be increased, as will a tendency to become obsessive about the partner's every action. Neptune represents dreams. Seriously. Sun-Venus Sun in Capricorn and Venus in Scorpio You are a combination of old fashioned even anachronistic dependability and enigma. On February 25 at 5:11 a.m. Pacific Time, Venusthe planet of romance, glamour, finances, art, and pleasurefinishes her transit through rebellious and detached Aquarius to enter the mutable, water sign of Pisces. Capricorn Sun - Libra Venus. Nevertheless, this is a caring and warm- hearted friend. To check Venus sign compatibility between yourself and a partner then the best thing to do is have a synastry chart created. A partner with a strong grasp of practical routines would also be helpful to balance out his creative wanderings. If we spent one night. He simply just doesn't have the time for more than one woman. Guarded and controlled, this Saturn-ruled sign knows all about taking responsibility for her commitments. He doesnt like overly emotional women, talkative ones, ignorant and superficial ones, and unpredictability is most of the times undesirable. Just took this picture of Venus and Jupiter conjunct in tropical Aries or sidereal Pisces. They go through highs and lows but are pretty good at keeping themselves together or at least appear as though they are. The weight should be strictly controlled by restricting the intake of rich food. If they have Venus in Pisces, however, their idealism and compassion can help them see the bigger picture beyond the most obvious routes to security or achievement. While Venus in Cancer can become insular, narrowly focused on their own needs and those of their close family, a Venus in Pisces partner could encourage Venus in Cancer to broaden their outlook and extend compassion to a broader circle. A person with both the Sun and Venus in Pisces may not be the worlds most grounded or practical person. The Venus in Capricorn male is attracted to women who are successful and mature. This calms the passion of Sagittarius, and the love life is taken seriously. Capricorn is one of the most disciplined of the zodiac signs. There is usually no lack of sexual enthusiasm. A need to be responsible and capable will likely define your romance with this person so you can be sure matters of the heart are not taken lightly. i have scorpio rising conj pluto in scorpio both at 0 degrees. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Michael Jordan is another Venus in Capricorn male, and Miley Cyrus is a Venus in Capricorn woman. Sun in Libra / Venus in VirgoThis is not an easy combination, for Libra needs love and harmony while Virgo will tend to be shy of expressing feelings and responding to love. When you think of being a responsible partner, then Venus in Capricorn is the source of your inspiration. Hence, be patient to achieve it. Venus in Pisces Man If a man's Venus is in Pisces, he is often impressed with a feminine aura of softness, sweetness, and neediness to a certain degree. The liking for comfort and luxury is enhanced, but the resentfulness of this placing can combine with Scorpio jealousy and must be controlled. As long as she has these traits, hes willing to omit all the other flaws or inconsistencies because these are the essential characteristics that hes looking for. awww hehe thanks runaround how sweet! on the other hand, the Venus in Capricorn marriage is about healthy relationships. She has the sensitivity of a Pisces, but in a Capricorn world. The management of finances may or may not be good, so a balance is needed. In the seasons of the Northern Hemisphere, Pisces marks the transition from the cold of winter to the promise of spring, and Gemini marks the transition from the potential of spring to the abundance of summer. If Venus was in Pisces on the day you were born, you value compassion, and you love with emotional and perhaps even spiritual intensity. The Pisces man is attracted to women who are having a good human being value with all good features. Friends must share demanding interests. Rivalry can occur in friendship, with the individual needing to take the lead. Venus, like any of the planets, is expressed more easily in some Zodiac signs than in others. The emotional level is extremely high and there may be storms and scenes at times. Who is Venus in Capricorn compatible with? A [], Saturn is associated with structure, discipline, and practicality, while Neptune is associated with imagination, intuition, and spiritual awareness. Those who have a Mars in Cancer, Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo are the most sexually attractive to Venus in Capricorn. Money may easily slip through the subject's fingers. The need for possessions as material security will be tempered. It is important to look at Venus signs in assessing relationship compatibility with astrology, because Venus rules your values and your approach to love. Professional help is advised. There should be a talent for making money. Moneymaking is less important than for other Capricorn groups. A good reputation in relationships will act positively. A Pisces Sun, Capricorn Moon woman is like a tropical fish in an arctic sea. Venus stays within two signs of the Sun in terms of relative position to Earth. That means people who have Venus in Pisces can have the Sun in only the following signs: Aries, Taurus, Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces.
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