Whilst at camp Javier can ask Arthur to find him some Oleander, and in return he will regularly leave throwing knives at his tent. (That is, until Miss Grimshaw comes by, sees you sleeping and wake up both of you, rushing you to do some work). His strong, naked torso was littered with faint scars and a few strange tattoos. He will tell her how Arthur saved his life and that he thinks about him everyday, in response, she also reveals that she, too, thinks about Arthur a lot, showing how much she cares and respects Arthur before, and after, his death. Highlighting that when Arthur messes up it is just "one of them things. He also gains new relationships throughout his journey. Work Search: tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". At camp Mary-Beth does not come up to Arthur for any conversations. He would take you to an open field, or a forest, where all the animals roam freely, and draw with you, helping you whenever you ask. Arthur is given the choice to deal with the last hunter. Older Sibling Arthur Morgan - Works | Archive of Our Own Arthur was one of the first to welcome Sadie into the group and he would try to offer his condolences for what she has been through, with Sadie mostly pushing Arthur away. Arthur has a good relationship with Abigail and at some point he thought about marrying her had she not fallen for John and he not fallen for Mary. Before leaving Arthur tells both of them that they are good women and one of the best. Your trusted horse, however, wasnt so lucky. Miss Grimshaw killing Molly divides the camp with everyone under the impression that she was telling the truth, some claimed it was justified as Molly knew the rules whilst others were sympathetic towards her as she only did what she did because she loved Dutch. At camp Hosea is one of the gang members Arthur can play Dominoes with. What if Arthur stepped in to help raise Jack and take care of Abigail? Abigail has a great amount of trust for Arthur, especially with her son Jack, such as when she asked if Arthur would take him fishing. Mary and Arthur reunite when she sends him a letter to come meet her outside of Valentine, and asking for his help in getting her brother away from Chelonia, and later again in Saint Denis, this time with her father. I intend to go back to Chapter 2 once I'm done with the Epilogue, and stay there hunting and dancing. In one incident Javier calls Charles an arrogant son of a bitch because of his lack of faith in Dutch and further adds that he should "use [his] brain". Later in the story Bill has planned to rob a stagecoach and can ask Arthur to come along, upon telling him the details Arthur will invite Tilly to join them as they need to create a distraction to stop the stagecoach, indicating that he trusts Tilly's abilities to help on jobs. Work Search: He would come up to you, his head hung low . Mary-Beth, he rumbles in reply, the depth of his voice thick with liquor and the cigarette hes nursing. At camp Strauss never had random conversations with Arthur and instead would be seen working on his ledger or reading the paper at his tent. Fanfiction. At some point prior to 1899, Mary-Beth got into trouble when she stole watches and wallets from several men. At camp Karen may sometimes go up to Arthur to talk to him, particularly when she is drunk. This can be seen as proof that Arthur has begun to care for the Wapiti Tribe and even Eagle Flies himself. Once it becomes apparent that Arthur is sick, through his persistent coughing, Micah starts to regularly mock him and refers to him as "black lung". Arthur and Trelawny work together to rob Miss Damsen's stagecoach, either with stealth or brute force depending on the player. It mightve been fourth or maybe even fifth, but you couldnt tell. They both take each others hands and Abigail says she has always been a good thief to which Arthur acknowledges, giving one final, emotional, goodbye before departing. Arthur returns Eagle Flies back to his to his father at the tribe's reservation, on the way Arthur expresses his regret for allowing him to get involved with Dutch, but Eagle Flies reassures him that all his decisions were his own. After being tortured by Colm o'driscoll, Arthur gets back to camp. Mary Beth and Tilly seem to have a crush on him, but it's a one-sided crush. During the standoff in Beaver Hollow, Bill sides with Dutch and Micah against Arthur and John, without hesitating. Furthermore, Arthur reveals that he broke him out of prison because he cared for him, rather than for just Abigail's or Jack's sake. Arthur's insistence on the matter infuriates Dutch but he hides this and feigns indulgence to Arthur's pleas, and says he will let John and his family leave after this last job. The relationship Arthur has with other characters can be dictated by the actions of the player, for example, the player is given the choice to talk to various gang members whilst at camp in either a positive manner or a negative one. But when he looks in his son's eyes, he can only think to himself is, "Am I enough for him?". Abigail, when Jack brings up Arthur, says that John does not like to talk about Arthur much. Whos my good girl? Arthur catches him packing his bags and he tries to give an explanation but Arthur makes it clear he doesn't have to hear his reasons to understand why he is leaving. Mary-Beth Gaskill is a supporting character featured in Red Dead Redemption 2. If anything could have saved Arthur from his fate, it was Mary Linton. She was found by the Van der Linde gang while being chased by her pickpocketing victims, and was presumably rescued by them before joining the gang. It was on this same job that Arthur saves him after he was captured by Leviticus Cornwall's men and held at gun point, but Arthur, through his use of Dead Eye, manages to kill them before they can do anything. Arthur is filled with remorse over this, with Kieran having saved his life once but Arthur having been unable to save his. Jack can ask Arthur to get Abigail's Thimble and a Penny Dreadful book, showing he goes to Arthur when he is in need of something, in return for the Thimble he will give you a drawing, for the book he will regularly leave Candy Bars at Arthur's tent. Mickey liked Arthur as he states that he was his only friend. Arthur and Sadie worked on jobs with each other, specifically rescuing John from prison. Dutch can occasionally come up and talk to Arthur around camp. After what Marston's done I dont think I can do neither. What little shred of faith and loyalty Arthur had left for Dutch had finally been broken. He further demonstrates his hostility by calling Arthur a turncoat after Bill goes at Abigail and Uncle. It is around this time that Dutch begins to negatively influence Eagle Flies to fight the U.S Army, to the worry of Arthur and his fellow gang member, and friend, Charles Smith. Strauss was shot in the leg in this encounter and Arthur, John and Dutch worked to get him to safety. Arthur empathized with her and decided to take her out with him to collect supplies. She maintained her friendship with John years later. Arthurs there, patiently brushing and plaiting the mane of his newest mount, a tall dappled grey thoroughbred. Mary-beth x reader. In the fight, Micah will say that he has been waiting a long time to kill Arthur, and will do so, if the player's honor is low. The siblings quickly become Arthur's new family, though Arthur is especially taken with Victoria. I mean it is and it isn't, Location: Shady Belle (Red Dead Redemption), Chapter 4: Saint Denis (Red Dead Redemption 2), Chapter 3: Clemens Point (Red Dead Redemption 2), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Westerosi Characters | Characters From Westeros (A Song of Ice and Fire), Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, apparently this ship hit me out of nowhere so here you go, Arthur reassuring Mary-Beth that her writing isn't silly, This fic is probably just going to be a collection of one-shots, my only excuse is that this fic should have already existed, From Tatters to Silk at the Touch of Your Hands, why are there so few works about these two they are literally made for each other, The Cowboys of LA: A Red Dead Redemption 1950's AU, Mother Superior Caldern (Red Dead Redemption). At one point Arthur described Trelawny as being "as slippery as an eel in an oil slick", but still sees him as a man. When Kieran is brought into camp, Mary Beth starts feeding him and sneaking him in drinks while Kieran's tied to the tree, as the story progresses, Mary . Despite this, Arthur keeps a picture of him next to his bed over two decades later and also wears his hat, hinting at some measure of fondness. The gang is in trouble, and as Arthur and Mary Beth aim to set out on their own one day, they must find a way to help those they love while eventually, finding escape. Arthur, along with Dutch and Micah, rescued Sadie early on in the story when the O'Driscoll Boys ransacked her home and killed her husband. After giving her the pocket mirror Molly will start leaving him a cigar at his tent. He could be an ass, but you loved him, so of course youd forgive him. She took time to adjust to her new life with the Van der Linde gang and would mostly be with Abigail. He enjoyed joking around with Arthur, for example whilst in Saint Denis Dutch snook up on him and held him at gun point, much to his amusement. He would often insult and berate him for his over exuberant mannerisms. Im really into this fandom right now (after finishing both RDR1 and RDR2 (currently on my second play through)) so I wanted to start writing for it. During the gang standoff at Beaver Hollow, Javier sides with Dutch and Micah against Arthur and John, although he is hesitant and doesn't fully point his gun at the pair; additionally, he is not seen chasing down Arthur and John, hinting at some fondness he still had for Arthur and/or John. Hamish is perhaps the only person in the game Arthur builds an authentic and genuine friendship with, Arthur never mocks Hamish and enjoys his company in spite of Arthur's reclusiveness trait. Arthur points out that he is loyal and Bill is too dumb to realise the reality of the situation. She is ultimately killed by Micah when she is caught off guard by Javier shouting that Pinkertons are on their way. Pearson can ask Arthur to find him a Naval Compass and in return will give him a bottle of Rum. Strauss protests this by saying the sick delude themselves, a reference to Arthur's worsening illness, and that he was Arthur's friend. Very patient when it comes to teaching you anything, be it the drawing, horse riding or shooting. So, without any further ado, send your head canons, imagines, and fanfic requests my way! Before Arthur's illness, Micah rarely tried to annoy Arthur and often tried to be friendly with Arthur, respecting him and likely wishing that they could be friends. Well, look no further because here you are! She drops her voice into an imitation of masculinity. Upon learning of the pregnancy Arthur offered Eliza whatever support he could give. It was her job to make sure the camp ran like clockwork. Congratulations, Abigail. They hide in a barn until nightfall, only for them to get caught again by Cornwall's men. Molly was giggling like a school girl, starved for Dutch's attention. Whilst confronting Milton Arthur is told by him that Micah has been informing the Pinkertons about the gang's activities. Sean backs down and tells Arthur that he loves him, perhaps genuinely so, because of his no nonsense approach. There are other times in the story when Arthur and John bicker, for example, when John gets Arthur's help to steal some sheep to sell off in Valentine the two can be heard arguing about Jack, with John complaining that Arthur took him fishing and with Arthur responding that John should be spending more time with his family, especially Jack. Whilst at camp, Miss Grimshaw will randomly talk to Arthur and can have unique interactions with him, for example, she will force Arthur to wash himself if he becomes too dirty around camp, and will be forced to pay a fine to her. Despite this, the two work well together and Arthur can have pleasant conversations with him around camp. Micah eventually begins to gain some superiority over Arthur and the other members through his closeness with Dutch. Abigail is one of the gang members that Arthur can play Dominoes with at camp. There is still a lot left to do, but in the meantime here are the chapters I have written down. However, Kieran gives up details on a possible whereabouts of Colm O'Driscoll and Dutch decides that he should go along with Arthur, John and Bill to show them where. Throughout the game, at camp, Swanson often goes to Arthur to speak about his tendency to drink too much and his insecurities about the events taking place, asking Arthur at one point if the Pinkertons are finally going to kill them, Arthur responds that they probably will with Swanson expressing his worry. Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of life in Americas unforgiving heartland. Ironically, it was John's quest for vengeance against Micah that set in motion a chain of events that would lead to his own downfall a few years later. He emotionally tells Dutch that he "gave him all he had." When Dutch's advances toward Mary-Beth become increasingly pointed and difficult to brush off, Mary-Beth realizes that the best way for her to remain with the gang and to keep Dutch at a distance is to take up with one of the other men. Despite this, he agrees to work with Arthur for his people's sake. Been teaching Jack how to use a hammer today, his journal read. Their relationship is actually one of the best plot lines in RDR2. He wondered how long she would keep his favor. Isaac was born from a relationship Arthur had with a waitress named Eliza. And he carried a bowl filled with sheeps blood which he flicked over the neat rows with his fingers. In regards to his death, Arthur says that he watched Lyle die and "it weren't soon enough,"referringto himas a "no good bastard" in a journal entry after his tuberculosis diagnosis. Summary: Its been three years since thatfateful night. ArthurXAbigailXJohn love triangle. Later at camp Arthur can thank Charles once again, showing his deep appreciation. Nope. Some stories will be one-shots, others might have a sequel. Finally, a comment about her I can relate to. In said letter,she saysit is time to cut ties for good, knowing that Arthur will never change, while also apologizing for the pain their failed relationship caused him. Honestly that shit was god damn real as it gets if you've been there. "I wish I were cross-eyed so I can see you twice.". Furthermore, Arthur has an honour system and depending on the honor level, either low or high Honor, which is dictated by the player, Arthur will receive different dialogues from certain characters and will be treated differently by NPCs, too. Lenny can request Arthur to find him a pocket watch and in return will leave Arthur a stick of dynamite at his tent. Maybe if Strauss had waited a little longer to call in that debt and given Dutch more time to unravel before him, he would have retired and died an old man with his true love beside him. She also reminded John that she would avenge Arthur as soon as she gets word of Micah's whereabouts, offering him to join her. While Arthur's tuberculosis is on the mend, he finds he has unfortunately developed a nasty case of PTSD from his brush with death. The two then bid each other farewell, with mutual respect, this being the last time they see each other. One of the motives for Arthur rescuing John from Sisika Penitentiary was for her and Jack, but also because John had begun to show that he does care for Abigail and Jack greatly, indicating that Arthur prioritises their well-being. On the way back, with the gang having pretty much fallen apart, Arthur sends Abigail and Sadie away whilst he confronts Micah. Arthur and Mary-Beth share a sweet moment round the campfire at Shady Belle as they reminisce over Kieran's unexpected and brutal death. The two agreed that Dutch had become the man he taught everyone not to be, with both of them pondering the idea that either the Dutch they are seeing now is his true-self or that Dutch is a shadow of his former-self. Lenny's performance and competency impressed Arthur to such an extent that he declares he will ride with Lenny anytime. Mary-Beth Gaskill just didnt have the same ring to it as Leslie Dupont. She would compliment Arthur's contribution to the camp and at one point said everyone misses him if the player keeps Arthur away from camp long enough. Arthur And Mary-Beth Conversation 2 Red Dead Redemption 2 With a new baby, there are a lot of responsibilities put on his shoulders. Arthur spoke up again. Throughout the game's six chapters, Arthur develops quite a bit more than John ever did. In many ways, Red Dead Redemption 2 is more or less a character study of Arthur. If not thats totally okay!! Eliza knew of Arthur's criminal background but had accepted any support Arthur offered to her and Isaac. Fighting breaks out, followed by shooting, and the gang make their escape. Arthur encounters Rains Fall for the first time, during the story, in Saint Denis, where he is asked to help his son, Eagle Flies. ", Dutch comments when going fishing with the two. However, Arthur was captured by the O'Driscoll Boys and was briefly tortured by them, having escaped and arrived back at camp, Dutch was clearly relieved at his return but also apprehensive about the dire state Arthur was in. In a random camp encounter Abigail complains that she cannot afford a new set of clothes for Jack, giving Arthur the choice to give her $5, indicating that he is willing to help Abigail and Jack in any way he can. Gets easily irritated, but always the first one to apologize. He stepped cautiously along, barefoot, and murmuring to himself. Arthur seems to remember Isaac fondly, calling him a "good kid", as whom he had raised him alongside Eliza. At camp, Kieran never goes up to Arthur to engage in a conversation (with the exception of Jack's return party where he is drunk). I was thinking this was going to be a multi chapter fic, but as I started finding fanfic on tumblr and AO3 I noticed the second person format was popular, and wanted to try my hand at that, and then I got swallowed up in a hundred side projects all of which were in the second person, so this isn't "complete" but is essentially a collection of snippets I envisioned had Arthur made it out of chapter 6 in John's place. With Arthur having become greatly disillusioned with Dutch, andnow realizing that he hasbecome a shadow of his former self, or possibly the man he has always been who merely uses others to further his own desires, he decides to help John, Abigail and Jack escape the gang and be free from all this trouble. Press J to jump to the feed. She's a good person in a bind with no one to turn to. They also pulled jobs together, such as robbing the bank in Valentine and stealing a wagon full of weapons and explosives from the Lemoyne Raiders at Shady Belle, it was because of this job that the gang knew of Shady Belle and could use it as their next camping spot. In a canon-compliant universe up until the Pinkerton ambush on Lakay, Mary Beth and Arthur start their new life together, trying not to worry about what tomorrow will bring and living for today. When Arthur approaches her, Sadie will express to him angrily that she would kill every O'Driscoll to avenge her husband and herself. In return he will give Arthur a set of Spurs as a clothing item. As a result, for most of1899, Arthur has little respect for John. They needed to talk. Arthur met Mary at a young age whilst he rode with the Van der Linde gang. He points out that had anyone else ran off like he did they wouldn't have been welcomed back, and further implies that he believes Dutch coddles him too much. In random encounters at camp Micah attempts to flirt with Abigail but she rebuffs him. Arthur protested continuing but John encourages him to keep pushing. This gains both his and Dutch's admiration and respect, to the point where even Dutch reprimanded Bill for not respecting Sadie. After being caught and reprimanded for her actions, she cant help but ask who the woman was. Surprisingly very good at gift giving. Beth is now a grandmaster, but she still has unfinished business. Arthur see's Uncle in a negative light and holds him in contempt for his laziness, but ultimately tolerates him and is willing to put up with some of his comments, likely a result of Uncle being one of the oldest members of the gang. Arthur never showed his gratitude for Kieran openly, and whenever Kieran mentions it Arthur responds that they are even because he allows another day to go buy without killing him. During the robbery, however, Arthur witnesses John getting shot and falling off the train. In another encounter around the Marston family's homestead Uncle can be seen talking to Abigail, telling her how all good things start with a good women, that John is the luckiest man alive and it was Arthur who told him that, causing Abigail to get up and leave whilst crying. At camp Sean can ask Arthur to find him some Kentucky Bourbon, in return he will regularly leave Fire Bottles at Arthur's tent. A/N: Request;Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together. + Arthur Morgan!! A drunken Molly falsely claimed to have ratted on the gang when they moved to Beaver Hollow. Please consider turning it on! The two men were under orders from a mysterious figure known only as The Traveler to save Arthur, as a reward for turning his life around. Why? Tilly stares over at her like shes grown a second head. At camp Pearson never goes up to Arthur for a spontaneous chat, but he is one of the members Arthur can play Poker with. I also feel like whether they realize it or not, the rest of the gang tells Arthur she's no good for him because she's the one thing that could get him to give up the life. Arthur, with Miss Grimshaw, rescue Tilly and successfully capture Anthony Foreman, who Tilly warns to stay away from her. I have been working on this for quite some time, so I decided to share it. At the start of the story Kieran is held prisoner by the gang and was mostly tied to a tree. He also gains new relationships throughout his journey. However, Arthur and Sean would banter over this incident. Likelihood is that it'll all be happy ending stuff because I'm a happy ending sorta gal, not a sad, angsty sorta one. During a random stagecoach robbery Micah Bell speculates that John could be turning on the gang and points out the doubts Arthur has of him, but Arthur retorts that hes known him for so long that he has no doubts, showing that, despite what John had done in the past, and how Arthur felt about it, he still knows John would never betray the gang. This seemingly shows that Arthur and Bills friendship has ended. Arthurs there, patiently brushing and plaiting the mane of his newest mount, a tall dappled grey thoroughbred. Under the assumption that Jack had lost John, Arthur ran off with Sadie to rescue Abigail to prevent Jack from becoming an orphan. Helping the Wapiti Tribe and Eagle Flies gave Arthur the chance to redeem himself by doing the right thing, however, the needless death of a young man due to Dutch's manipulation and refusal to help Arthur causes him to solidify his opposition to Dutch. He has a rich arc full of ups and downs . Evening, Arthur. Mary-Beth sits on the chair beside where Arthur has sprawled himself in the grass. The song that youre singing is Silver Dagger (Joan Baez version). The fight ends with Sadie killing the O'Driscoll's last leader and opening up to him about how much she misses her husband. After sharing a dance with him during Sean's coming home party, Mary-Beth realizes she can contain herself no longer. Havent wrote anything in a while so wanna warm up by writing some short drabbles. We Loved Once and True, a red dead redemption fanfic | FanFiction From a certain perspective, the void that was left behind by Arthur removing Dutch from his sense of admiration is filled by Rains Fall. Thankfully, a group of people have picked you up, given you food and shelter and only asked for a small contribution in the form of basic housekeeping (more like camp keeping) in return. And write with her heart, she did. She was obviously pleased with this compliment, shooting a such as sugar smile his way. Arthur and Javier have respect for each other and worked together to rescue John when he had gone missing. Throughout the early parts of the story Dutch tells Arthur numerous times that he is "like a son" to him, and at one point tells him that he is more than that. Soon after, Arthur shows a bit of respect for John after he comes up with a plan to rob a train. A/N: This was probably the easiest request for me to do because I go to sleep imagining this everyday. I thought that's sweet, don't you?". Towards the end of the story Arthur, with the help of Sadie, saves John from Sisika Penitentiary despite Dutch telling him to not make a move yet. "What the fuck, John?". Hosea gave him a look over the fire, a soft, heartbroken thing, but Arthur could find no remorse within him to give. She is one of the first gang members to help Arthur when he escapes back at camp after he has been tortured by Colm O'Driscoll and his men. You knew a few words before coming to America, basics like Hello, Thank you, My name is, but nothing more. Johns last words to Arthur are we're brother's, which Arthur responds by saying I know, I know.. Whilst in Valentine, along with Uncle, Karen and Mary-Beth, Tilly is accosted by a gang member she used to be affiliated with, Arthur intervenes on her behalf and threatens the man, who leaves. Here, I remember you talking about it the other day, hed say, giving you a small, golden hair clip. Basically a what-if, what if John never came back after running out on Abigail and Jack? Despite his reservations Arthur was willing to save Trelawny when he was taken captive by the local sheriff in Rhodes, and did the same again, this time by bounty hunters. Sean was like the annoying younger brother to Arthur. Arthur mentions Eliza when conversing with Rains Fall, admitting that the incident caused him to believe he has no right to expect good things to happen to him because of the life he has led. Thought you might find it useful, hed say, giving you a brand new journal. Mary-Beth is hopelessly in love with Arthur Morgan, and so far all efforts to capture his heart have failed. Before the gang's last heist, Arthur, who has already planned secretly with John to steal Dutch's hidden stash for when he escapes with his family, tries to convince Dutch to let John, Abigail and Jack, as well as the other women, leave peacefully, however, Dutch takes offense to Arthur's insistence but feigns indulgence and promises he will do so after this last train robbery. Occasionally Arthur can encounter Charles working on some unique arrows at camp, if Arthur interacts with him Charles will offer to make some for Arthur if he provides him the necessary ingredients (Moonshine for fire arrows and Oleander for poison arrows). After the attack on Cornwall's oil factory Arthur offered to stay and help Charles move the Wapiti Tribe but he declined, stating that there are people that still need Arthurs help. However, Arthur promises to protect her and won't let anything happen, further showing how much he cares for Tilly. Arthur's dislike of Micah grew when he inadvertently led him, Bill and Sean into a trap that led to Sean's death and took advantage of Hosea's death to get close to Dutch and have a greater influence on him. He can also ask Arthur to find him a rabbit and in return will give him a Nutritious Stew. Arthur interacts with Mary-Beth, where the two share anecdotes of their past, before Miss Grimshaw comes up to Arthur to tell him that Tilly has gone missing. They successfully broke John out of prison but at the same time annoyed Dutch for disobeying his orders, however, Sadie's loyalty is to Arthur and isn't too fazed by Dutch's frustration with them. I used to write a lot for Supernatural (the TV show). So if you wanted to picture Arthur and John in handsome military uniforms, then this is the story for you! Their relationship, however, is soured when Bill (unintentionally)lures Arthur, Sean and Micah into an ambush that ends with Sean being killed. With many camp members expressing concern over this. Like some others, he decides to leave when the gang begins to fall apart. In doing so, he must think long and hard about the family hes got, and the family he secretly wishes for. Hosea summed up his relationship with Dutch and Arthur as "the curious couple with their unruly child." Despite this, Arthur is, occasionally, willing to follow him. It hits all the feelings you get from it. AU, Alternate Ending. Later, Arthur learns that Micah is a rat and has been talking to the Pinkertons since their return from Guarma, infuriating Arthur to such an extent that, instead of running away with Abigail and Sadie, he confronts Micah at the camp and holds him at gunpoint to proclaim to everyone that he is a traitor. Once she finally builds up the courage to do so she does it in her own way. Jack narratesand reimaginesseveral important moments in his early childhood. Implying that he cares about his well-being and does not want to see him hurt, or even killed.