I tried to be professional and somewhat upbeat but also clear I despised working there. They went through my Finances and sorted them all out and gave me a plan to pay everything off in a pretty cool schedule/plan. After a day, Curtis called me for the second interview. She calls the next day and sets up a day and time to meet at an address. Glad I dug in deeper. I never identified the gender of my child (which is a boy, by the way). This is just like Aimway, they make you sign up and promise you, you will make money fast and easy. I went there with an opened mind. When I laughed at her question, she assured me it was because she wanted to know about my credibility, although she failed to explain how where my family lives illuminates anything about my character Clearly, they are looking for people with family/friends to pitch their products to. It is about the education of it all isnt it? Contrary to rumors out there, Primerica is not a pyramid scheme. They insisted that you MUST bring a person each informational session, often times calling you out in front of the group. I must add that I made the mistake of giving these people my SSN but it for before I figured out it was a scam. Primerica Pyramid Scheme Review (2022): Best MLM Course? I finished having a fake interview last night and was literally thinking about going to that informative session. I called her back a couple days later and she scheduled an interview for this coming Monday. Multi-level marketing is a scheme by which people who are in first make money from those who come later. I have morals, I have my beliefs, everyone has their entitled opinions. Think Enron, Bernie Madoffs investment scheme, etc. After my daughter hung up the phone I received a call from the recruiter. They had the chairs so close together, Im sitting next to strangers and our knees and arms are touching, so Im uncomfortable next to some guy. They offer insurance, investments, debt consolidation, and financial advisers. Pyramid scheme - Wikipedia Thank you! I received a call from a woman named Mary stating that someone referred me to her and asked if I was still looking for a job. Young people of united states and canada please pass this pages along to your friends . I wasent sure what to expect, all she told me was to dress proffesional and that was it. Im here to see how this turn out(Micheal Jackson Thriller Popcorn Meme). Their higher up had done that for them. It isnt right how these companies take advantage of folks in need of employment. Yes, Primerica is an MLM. Once the new recruits, the professional-looking man and a scared-looking, awkward young guy who looked about 20 and was wearing ripped jeans and left on a bicycle, had left, John was photocopying the paperwork to put in the mailbag for tomorrow. So, there we were. Trust me, there are plenty of people who dont mind asking friends and family to buy something their selling. Thanks to all who shared their experience. 1 PRIMERICA PARKWAY DULUTH, GA 30099-0001 UNITED STATES . I am so tired of these scammers connecting with you and then giving you a sales pitch. Its not the money, but once I left and processed everything it seems they pressure you to sign up and recruit other people. Low-Cost Business Startup Not every business opportunity comes with a low-cost setup like Primerica. But to shut down a business just because over 100 of you said it was crap and the rest followed after you did your own research. The guy recruited me at the mall and all he gave me was the address, no description of the job, not the name of the company. She told us that her and her husband are preachers, therefore we should trust them. Well guide you through the process. Is that really too much to ask for? I said Ill give you 10 mints & w/big smile he say thank you & went back to the rm. Long-term care insurance Personal Finance vehiclessuch as mutual funds, managed investments, annuities, and business retirement plans. As for NFTs, exclusivity and FOMO run the gameeveryone wants in and where there are winners, there are losers. I then took a step back and thought, dissected the business model for my own benefit and thought what I would have to do to be successful at it (I over analyze everything from both sides). He told me he has to go through clearance and apparently he is abusing this priviledge. Went for an interview/discussion today. I have reviewed their annual reports (available online). It seems the main issue was the lack of transparency by the Primerica reps when discussing the opportunity and the tactics used to get in front of the prospect. Now thats a successful company, but many fail. Are you saying that the people who did the fake job interviews are lying, and they didnt actually do that? Don't Get Caught in a Pyramid Scheme - Attorney General of New York If your goal is sales, join a traditional company. They are liars, they never gave me my money back, they have all my bank info and I feel very unsafe about that. There are two levels of people in the business, not infinite levels. Keep them going with promises of big fat contact lists. I listened to the representatives pitch and decided to do the research like many of you on here. But I again dismissed the thought, feeling a bit guilty for doubting John. After reviewing those comments I will not be going for and interview. Term insurance gets expensive if you have to buy it each year, and investing in mutual funds is OK if you can ride out a bear market. She talks about them like they are real. Apparently these Primerica folk are misusing LinkedIn profiles for their slimy deeds. As far as positions, I havent even met you yet, how could I know what youre qualified for? Listening again.. BBB encourages you to check with the appropriate agency to be certain any requirements are currently being met. Remember that Primerica reps have something to gain with whatever they tell you. The hard sales pitch, corporato-cult speak, and grandiose promises are like a jackhammer to my sodden, achey head. I suddenly found his bragging really off-putting. Then he explained this 3 by 3 thing where i refer three of my friends or family for this training and i get around $500 for it. (OK, he didnt really say busy busy busy, but now that I think back that is the impression that he gave me.) Her husband, a mechanic, got invited to a big fancy house and had dinner there. The company primarily sells term life insurance, as well as mutual funds, annuities, segregated funds, managed accounts, long-term care insurance, pre-paid legal services, auto insurance, home insurance, credit monitoring and debt management plans. He told me about how his grandfather started the company and now his whole family owes everything that they have to Primerica. A woman approached me and complimented me on my bag, asking me where I got it from. Just googled to know about the company and landed on a right page. I returned her call on Monday and it was all very vague. When this approach is adopted, the need for the original insured amount would not be necessary. I was not familiar with, Pink Truth, a website I run about Mary Kay Cosmetics and other multi-level marketing companies, http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/543/wake-up-now, http://www.cisro-ocra.com/publications/LLQP%20Provider%20Results%20(Jan-Dec%202014)%20EN.pdf, Why Do People Join MLMs? Their 6 digit earners boast is misleading as its a cumulative, not annual figure. I also know another person who has been doing it for 10+ years now and he doesnt make much at all. That night I came back to the office a bit before 6, when the first interview had been set for. Were not talking about a rogue recruiter here and there. I decided to research the company ahead of time and it lead me here Might i ask the opinion of those whom have dealt with this company: my experience thus far, sans interview sounds eerily similar to some other accounts Ive read here. You would be an independent contractor, so they dont care what your age or appearance is. Maybe I should add only serious, legit, employers may contact!. I was just contacted by one of these clowns and told based on my god given gifts I would be perfect for this opportunity. And he was on his phone during the interview and it just all seemed so fake and phony. Just got off the phone with a recruiter from Primarica, and he made it sound like he sought me out for this position. She gave me her spill . WHO calls someones parents to schedule a meeting to make them feel more comfortable to work for them. THANK GODNESS I LISTENED TO MY INTUITION!!!!!! Thanks for this post. Look this up on Wikipedia, the very unusual and very unique model that Primerica uses. Im currently looking into anything and everything about them to be certain of all of this MLM/pyramid scheme type business and I am definitely getting out if Im right. Yes There are 76 helpful reviews 76 No There are 37 unhelpful reviews 37. They are in fact the Primerica guys, lecturing the invited people to pay them $90 to own a business license and the usual multi-level marketing stuff. There are plenty of traditional types of jobs that do not require college but that pay much more than $10 to $15 per hour if the individual is willing to work hard to learn the job and move up. One speaker, the VP/Owner clearly had been doing this for a while and was all about the potential money that could be earned, though was vague on the details and it seemed to me that anyone with a salary job is a sucker in their eyes. (including advances). It went from $53 per month to $197!! As soon as I saw Primerica I KNEW it was a scam. All-in-all, aside from the financial advice that I found sound and pretty basic, it was a complete waste of time. At least then they can make informed decisions. As shes leaving, she stops and says, You know, I never do this because its disrespectful to approach people at their jobs. When she gave me speech about how they help people save money and so on, then she said are you ready to sign up for the classes? Unusual, yes, a scam, no. Also, Tracey thank you for your continued service on informing the public about MLM businesses. I dont dismiss this reality that commissions in a MLM organization are necessarily lower than those one would earn in another sales setting. The place where we met was super creepy, also. Each year, millions of people work hard in MLMs and do exactly as theyre taught, and they still lose money. I didnt have time to listen to the whole message at first and wanted to Google the company before I returned his 1 and a half minute message. (applied for this position on Craigslistthe number I received the call from was 347-753-3377). Needless to say, Im glad I got out of that one. Being lied to in order to get the person in for something that isnt even an interview is wrong, and therefore the person is a victim. But, the girl I were with got in the rm first then about 6 mint or so the guy came back & say give me 5 mints for you to be in the rm. Thank you for the blog Tracy. The manager said he liked me, from a business standpoint of course. Criminal background checks required. So a woman called kim called and set up an interview with me in a city nearby. Primerica is NOT an MLM, it is, however, a Financial Service company that allows people to run their own business. Also this was my first job interview, as Im a student. I too have been approached by reps from Prime America (while at work at 12:00 am) about this great job opportunity, that I have a great personality, outgoing, would fit right in yada, yada. He gave me the address and time for the meeting andthats it. I sent him a follow up email to try to nail down a time again. Over 8 years ago but never did insurance with them. ), In walked this boy of maybe 18 in a new 3-piece suit and tie. Were 30 mins in this interview, hes asked me for $124, 3 people i have to refer who will also pay $124, my credit card info, 25 phone numbers to also call and sell insurance too, and then called my parents for a home meeting. The second, presents a sales pitch on a legal service. She also had sold Avon at one time too. They work as a middle man for various insurance and finance industries and get people to join through advice and supporting main street. The so called reps for Primerica find other reps and potential customers and they get a commission on it. I barely spoke and Im on the good side of the manager. In fact, I would argue that their services are worse than a traditional insurance agency or investment advisor because their people are by and large far less knowledgeable. I emailed the guy this morning after I slept on it and told him that I was not interested and this was not a fit. He been calling me since. I worked HARD at the business, I have had success in other businesses in my life but making money at Primerica is a joke. Hey Alex, this isnt the first time and wont be the last time a crooked company has rung the NYSE closing bell. The plates say something like A-TEAM. What Is A Pyramid Scheme? - Forbes Advisor You should be ashamed of yourself for writing an article as false and untrue as this one. Sounded too good to be true about the money and needless to say thank-you to everyone here I will not be going. Product Type: Insurance and investment products / MLM business opportunity. I am so glad to have websites like these were people can learn a little more about what they may be getting themselves into. This is a scheme. Was very surprised to receive a phone call, as never applied for anything, still cant understand how did they get my phone number . I said yes just to help her out. I would not call it a scam, but they are overly persistent and do not take a hint unless you are forceful. Just then someone clearly answered because he quickly spoke into the mouthpiece, his voice fast and sharp, Hi, Im looking for Amy I listened to the call and to him book the interview, but my thoughts were jumbled. I offered to quickly mail her one, as I had not brought one myself (I already had bad vibes, so I didnt even bother bringing a hard copy). Im looking for a job, and someone who lives near me tried to recruit me to this. I mean, my pitch would have been an honest one. My only concern now is her calling me up again. I got there 15 mins early they kept me waiting for 30 while having a buddy conversation. Yes there are people doing it, there are also people playing in the NFL and NBA, should we promise every kid the can go pro because others are doing it? I walked out. Why keep the name of the company a secret, wouldnt they eventually HAVE to know? Thanks everyone for your stories. Yes, the company offers legitimate products. So, after leaving them I channeled all of that energy 110% into my own venture. the whole time during this first meeting it was very tense and uncomfortable. He signed on right there because he was impressed with their house. A long time ago one of these assholes gave me a card and took my info, sadly I was told it was a scam after I gave my info. So, I got up & left to find out who that company was. He did have an office, yes, but that doesnt necessarily mean he made the money to keep it afloat. Please advise if any lawyers or regulators read this ! She has put no pressure on me, and she first spoke to me about the companys functions, as if I were wanting to be a client with them,m and then we discussed the business end. I read most of your posts, and there seems to be a lot of hate on for this company. I just had a very recent run-in with a Primerica recruiter. Hadnt I just provided 5 local contacts? It appears that some above posters (mostly young) do not realize this? Primerica is a brokerage not a MLM. Primerica is a legitimate multi-level marketing company based in America. She gave me her number and asked to call claiming she was a hiring manager .. As of 7 hours i have been in Primerica, I do understand what everyone is saying about it. It calls back the last received call. The other woman never shows up. We have 40,000 new clients each month if you joined and didnt work, youre not one of the people who make money with us! Whats this guys deal anyway? The only way to collect on a life insurance policy is to live to be 100 years old, providing your policy goes out that far. There was a Prime America in the office building I currently work in, and I cant tell you how many young, eager, looking people would pull up looking nervous right before their big job interview. They are in business because our government allows multi-level marketing companies to operate. Commentary on fraud, scams, scandals, and court cases. Yes so would you call NYSE a scam? I said to him I got a call for an internship two weeks ago but they never got back to me, so I was actually happy to have received that call from him. I left indicating this was not for me, but wasted valuable time for something, from the on-set, which I indicated was not at all of interest, on her pretense it was a support job. My biggest issue with most of these posts is the fact that the reps are approaching people in random public places(i.e., work, grocery shopping, launder-mats, job seeking seeking sites, etc.) She says its just a coat she found around the house she dont work there. Thanks for the info, I got a call from them this morning and promptly cancelled after reading this. My daughter was contacted by Primerica and she told them I was looking for a job. This is a good money maker for Primerica and the finance industry in general- all on the backs of reps. I eventually had to block my recruiters number, cancel my account and deactivate my online banking Plz anyone whose thinking of attending or believing what these people are trying to sell you, reconsider . Again, I figure worst case scenario its a connection. Primerica is a SCAM period. I leaned forward and held my breath to try to hear the womans reply through the phone. If they call and set you for an interview, DONT DO IT!!! How fun. Well he cleared my somewhat strict prerequisites and I accepted his request. It was a negative environment, no formal training, and they took all my leads. He said either way hed be expecting me tomorrow at 3:30pm. 2.) Clearly if one can do that for another, one should be able to pocket a nice income Once she quit her little dissertation on the gap between the upper class and middle class and how the middle class can become upper class with our help, she told us to wait as she brought in the guy who had written the review for the company (5 stars. I was the first one there so I put the lights on and tidied up a bit. No, regular companies that are set up with levels of management (such as Walmart) are NOT pyramid schemes. I wasnt about to put my plans aside for something as ambiguous as that, and seeing other people talk about their experiences, Im glad I didnt. Almost made it, but nope! Got a call from someone who said she was expanding her business in my state and is transferring from Texas and if I was interested in a business opportunity there. They were in my home for almost 3 hours, 10 minutes before they left (which was an hour ago btw!!) OUCH! He said Financial Services then when I asked what kind of company he states the details will be discussed during the interview. He said we were guaranteed to get them to buy with that trick. Primerica is a financial services company that states it's mission is to help underserved communities gain access to top level investment and insurance products.. Not that it matters as essentially every three years the sales force has been completely replaced, except for the 2% who got in early years ago. Theres constant turnover from people like me, so recruiting needs to continue indefinitely. Third, my agent told us that he much preferred to bring in people to work just part-time, and he had for his first 18 months with the company, because it takes a while to support oneself in this or any commissioned sales position. I ended up getting out of it last minute once I found this blog I had to SEARCH HARD to find out that she worked for Primerica, it pretty much boiled down to me searching the address she gave me and finding that its registered to Primerica. Do I just block them and never contact them again? But MLM is a ripoff because they promote a false business opportunity. I noticed several of the new people in the front row looked very restless, like they just wanted to get out of there. Ill text the woman tomorrow to cancel since she made it clear that she had her phone on 24/7. We sat, and I patiently listened to his presentation of How to be successful at selling insurance basically. Ive seen people come in, get hyped up and quit their jobs, only to be screwed in a few months. We finally nailed down a day. Especially one that deals with financial education and asset management. They prey on our natural vulnerabilitis and at anytime any of us can find ourselves being lured in. A full 84% left prior to obtaining their insurance license. Asked for my phone number, stating that while he didnt know my situation, he would be interested in offering me a job. Financial Educator (Current Employee) - United States - March 12, 2019. . Are there good people in this business? I was there in the bulding today just asking ppl some jobs & met a young lady going for interview & I ask her if I can follow her to know more about the job & she was nice to me to let me follow her. Water, food, ever other necessity you can think of should not have to be provided to people at a cost. Then I looked up Primerica and this lovely blog popped up. I sign some kind of agreement that she mysteriously summarizes for me instead of letting me read. Currently have a few positions available. He was bringing us all down about our current minimum wage jobs or the ones that were unemployed and started to brag about how much money he made. I told them I would have to think about it and let them know but they offered to sponsor me and they paid my $99 fee as well as the $25/month fee for the first month which made me feel less suspicious. Pyramid scheme organizers may pitch the scheme as a business opportunity such as a multi-level marketing (MLM) program. Primerica Review: Is Primerica a Pyramid Scheme? (2023) - Noni4all I had no desire to pursue such a career related to insurance, as I prefer investing. Youre building a team of individuals to get them to the top, too. I was approached last night while grocery shopping at Star market. What a waste of human DNA both of them ! Just needed to set up a time. Law sued and primeica paid millions of $ to keep it dl . Anyway so he was trying to down play my job and whatnot and get his point across talking about its a good opportunity, dont you want to make more money and yada yada yah. To start making money and sign up as a Transamerica distributor you will need to pay a processing fee of $100 and to start recruiting new members you will need to pay another $300. I received invite to interview BBB reports on known marketplace practices. I hope this helps anyone considering Primerica or any MLM company for a career but dont let desperation drive you to a poor career decision. I know of plenty of people who need a job but now I dont think this company is legitimate despite the nice phone call. Since I barely heard her, I asked about 3 more times before clearly hearing PFS, which I noticed she did not once tell me what PFS stood for. Mr. John A. Addison Jr., Co-Chief Executive Officer. DIV Rep, 60%.wait there is only 50% left over, okay then what does math tell us.you get it yet..they only get 50%, (PYRAMID ENDS). I was in college when they reached out to me about coming there to work. I looked back to John, who had now moved on to the hard close part of the presentation. I ended up seeking out one of the young men and telling him I was there for an interview with Mr. Blah Blah. I thought its not that bad, I currently have another job working as an assistant to a real estate agency.