It felt like he did not want me anymore, but he also didnt want to let me go. If youre wondering why your Scorpio woman has stopped talking to you, its likely because shes feeling hurt or betrayed in some way. I have this current issue with an ex and it gets quite complicated when a child is involved, because there are people like current SOs who for whatever God forsaken reason think you should want to know all about their life for the sake of the children as if I give a rats ass what they do together. I am not saying that Scorpio females always do this, but some of them might play with your feelings. The worst amputation ever: waking up and discovering that she has committed suicide. Click here to watch Brads full tutorial! I've seen him once, when he was 7 months old. She has been worse than ever. Categories Astrology, Scorpio Articles, Scorpio Women Articles, Scorpio Women: In Love, Dating Style, Good and Bad Traits. Talk to her about her concerns and try to reassure her that youre faithful. Im a Leo woman that doesnt play games. But fact is I did something that provoked his actions. People are human and they have their limits and so many people ask to be cut. Try to take things slow and give her the freedom she needs. I have always believed that when people get old, they become wiser and evolved, but not this Scorpio aunt. Shelly, coming from a Scorpio woman here, whos been with a man who was a drug addict, PLEASE try to forget the good memories and stay away from this man. He was educated and generous with me. If she gives you a chance to raise your concerns, then you should be considerate of everything that she has to say to you. Its unlikely that youll still be able to get your Scorpio woman back, if you ever break up with her or she breaks up with you due to you breaking her trust, hurting her, or cheating on her, she will be undeniably stubborn on her decision. Of course, something you said or did may have caused her to feel uncomfortable. But heres the point I want to make: I could go on and on and about how cold this guy was shutting down the way he did. Someone beat the Scorpio at their own game? You Said Something Offensive 4. All too often, we charge in and say stuff and do stuff to get our ex back, but we actually end up pushing them further away! We had not seen each other for 10 days and he was not doing anything to try to see meno matter how I tried, he never had time or he wouldnt respond to whether a date or time worked for him. Friends dont do that to friends and I completely cut her right out, yet she still doesnt know why, but she is dead to me. If a Scorpio woman sees the person she cares about talking to another woman, let alone approaching another woman, she will become almost immediately angry. You didnt have a friendship at that point. He said he was busy and I got mad and then eventually he cut me off. But shell quickly transform that anger into icy silence as a way to protect herself. However, it is also possible that she is paying attention to someone else in her life, especially if that person is a love interest. controlling is a no-no. When in control, they feel safe. He would say he was tired or he was busy or that he fell asleep before he could text me back. Of course, she may simply be focused on something or someone else at this time. She will contact you back as soon as she can. 12 Things You Must Know. I asked if we should take a break and he could come back when he was more interested. Her dating style is demanding. Or if you are Scorpio (or a reasonable facsimile) have you ever felt yourself forced to amputate? While this behavior may be more difficult to spot, it isn't any less of an indicator that she's falling for someone. Your email address will not be published. Scorpio Woman's Weaknesses Scorpio women have the weakness of being easily jealous, and unrestrained jealousy is categorized as very jealous. If she gets bored or wants to mess with your head, shell start playing games with your emotions just for kicks . Keep your emotions in check. No matter what you do for a Scorpio woman, its never enough. Is there something you did that upset her? Its important to understand one thing about Scorpios they rarely do anything without a purpose. Scorpio women are also incredibly jealous. Felt so unbelievably cruel. So sad. then one day she started distancing herself slowly..more and more. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. Let her know that youre thinking about her and that you value her friendship. You come up from behind and put your hand on her waist. 2. spoke daily on the phone and texts. Because Scorpio doesnt (generally) explain, its easy to call and consider yourself their victim when youre anything but. #1: She wants to be close to you #2: When she starts comparing her hand size to yours #3: She doesn't let the conversation go silent (The ultimate does-she-like-me test) #4: She emphasizes her feminine shapes #5: She's bored #6: She holds on to eye contact #7: She meets up with you . If you want to get back on her good side, try reaching out and apologizing for whatever it is that you did. Complicated story, am a pisces man, was in a relationship with a scorpio woman, we were both young..almost certainly the most intense relationship of my life, we both thought of each other as soulmates after 3 years I was forced to live some distance away, we say each other every weekend, the connection didnt fade. Or She is right now not very serious to enter i. We were made for each other. Your breakup can trigger an immense amount of trust issues, she will rethink what made the relationship go wrong and she will not back down on a fight with you, as much as she is wonderful love, she can turn into your worst enemy. He won't tell you anything about his life. I am a Sun Pisces/Moon Scorpio. Id just say if you find yourself amputated by Scorpio, you might want to check your own stuff. (Ill share the link with you again at the end of this page! Do you remember the last thing you said to her? Dig deep to find out their true essence and their reasons for what makes them tick. Like other girls, Scorpio women are demanding. I can say that Scorpios usually doesnt cheat and thats big to us in relationships. If she stops arguing back with you, this is a red flag as it shows she no longer cares enough to try to get through to you. When a Scorpio woman distances herself from you, you may find that she will determine that the best course of action is to totally remove you from her life. 5. And it is time to speak up, to let her know what you feel. We arent cruel, shut off, jealous or anything they say in a negative manner. One of the first signs an Aries man is rejecting you is that you will receive mixed signals. It sucked the life out of me, but I understood. Fast forward 10 months and he tells me that they had sex years before he met me. Problem solvers with penetrating solution. 1. So, before you jump to any conclusions, take a step back and consider the situation from her perspective. Selkie writes,regarding the stereotypes of the various signs, lots of Scorpios are harsh people who actually greatly enjoy judging others (even people theyve never even met or talked to); insist on playing seemingly inexplicable games with people for years on end; take pleasure in seeing certain (or certain sorts of) people punished, and in freezing out the unworthy, and who are stubborn to the point of harming both themselves and others even the people closest to them.. When he connects he connects with his mind, heart, and soul. Pisces usually is their trine and pisces gives good illusion and love/exalted in venus and hates negativity too. When a Scorpio Woman Stops Talking to You: 11 Practical Reasons 1. Because my birthday is a week away, and his destruction is the gift I give to myself. This really unsettled me. in self-preservation mode, I have to reserve some energy for me and they get cut off.. Once youve made amends (if necessary), reach out to her again. Double whammy of cute and cuddly Plutonic goodness. If she doesnt get what she wants from a certain person, she decimates the person through manipulation and falsities such as baseless rumors. A Scorpio woman loves to keep things interesting by constantly changing the rules of the game. That Scorpio would of sized you up in no time I never met a Scorpio that didnt try and manipulate their prey in some sort of manner. She will be extremely emotional and only at that time when she realizes she can heal herself will she be able to regenerate and come back stronger than ever, this is why breakups can be a sealed deal from them, once they get over you they will never return. Or maybe you can say that she is not good at expressing her feelings. Possessiveness? This takes time, experience and practice. Ive done it several times. But here's how you know if your patience is helping you or harming you. At the first sight, you'll get impressed by the beauty of a Scorpio woman. First, try to figure out why shes been ignoring you. She will suck in her room for days and might feel more melancholic, she may even experience intense sadness than her sisters zodiac sign cancer, this is mostly because she is capable of experiencing all of these wide sets of emotions at once. I was high maintenance and I just didnt seem to be able to understand his agony although it was expressed. They dont tolerate being ignored or treated lightly, so if you want to keep a Scorpios attention, make sure youre giving them your full attention as well. That said, lets review 7 ways to get your ex back. Rooting For Someone To Die? And yet I do. If a Scorpio woman has no interest in you, she will reject you outright. They will find a way to take you down where it hurts. If the two of you are having a conversation, but she takes a long time to respond to you, then it could be an indication that something is on her mind. 2. You will need to talk to her to clear up more things that triggered your silent war with her. Mothering Gene? Can You Eat Lactation Cookies While Pregnant? This makes them get burnt out a lot. I was pretty much his entire inner circle, and while it was not my intention, I was sucking the life right out of the guy. Well at that point, he was only texting me to say good morning and good night. You can call it jealous or controlling but it is what is. Because her trust is hard to get since she is also a loyal person. You are preaching to the choir, Joly63! I have determined that a Scorpio's withdrawal usually has one of five causes (though there may be more I have not yet discovered): 1. 1. One of the Scorpio women weakness in relationships and life is not being able to express what she feels. and to be too controlling. I hope you find what you're looking for. Brads system isnt based on her zodiac sign, but it is based on proven human psychology. Most Compatible: Venus in Leo. im telling you close enough. ), That said, lets see what it look likes when a Scorpio woman is in love. [1] When a Scorpio is in the process of transforming or after it has transformed, they shun the energy that used to be incorporated into their former being.