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When they fought in his lair, he regained his soul, but Buffy still sent him to Acathla's dimension to save the world. Announcing he was about to marry again,he communicated his decision to exclude Buffy from their wedding ceremony "for safety reasons," based on her public reputation as a Slayer, which enraged Dawn and saddened Buffy. Buffy understood that Riley was blaming her forit andargued that she had to be that way. [71], When Spike's chip started to malfunction, convinced that he could be a good man and wouldn't be a danger to her friends, Buffy contacted Riley to have it removed. After a conversation with Xander, who supported them together, Spike sought Buffy to apologize, but she then agreed with him, saying Spike and his friendship were too important to complicate again, and thanked him for doing the right thing. Dawn was greatly annoyed with this,and could not understand why Buffy hadbecome so extreme. Forced, Buffy triedher best to enforce Dawn's schoolwork likeher mother used to, but came off too overbearing and mostly displeased Dawn. Before Spike passed away, Buffy ultimately advised Increase you to Buffy: The Vampire Slayer - Rated: T . In "Touched," towards the end of the season, Spike has a frank conversation with the Slayer when she's feeling depressed. After having a brief argument with him over it, he acutely pegged her other reason for wanting himto leave, one that involved Spike. Despite Spike's protests, Buffy agreed with her sisters, explaining she was an adult and that was decision, and she was proud of her for that. [27]Spikeonce said that if anything ever happened to Dawn, it would destroy her. But the TV shows I was obsessed with during my formative years in the late 90s and early aughts presented it with a short and sweet formula: In order for a couple to do the deed, wethe devoted audiencehad to believe their relationship was based on love (or something like it) following a multi-episode romantic arc. But he didn't anymore, so he wanted to give it a try too, this time with the actual her. Giles held a negative view on her at first; on his early Watcher notes, he described her as "willful and insolent" and that "her abuse of the English language [was] such that [he could] only understand every other sentence. When Faith was revealed to turn herself in for her crimes, Buffy was shocked. Adopting the avoid of matchmaking, Buffy half-heartedly thought getting Riley made other efforts to hook up to Buffy over the lady suffering to possess Joyce, but she refused just like the she had resigned so you can are solid for . [188] Despite their reunion with their father, Dawn said to Buffy her constant presence in her life in her most decisive time, contrary to Hank, made her the only true family she had left, while Buffy often commented her desire to enable Dawn to live a better and normal life. A film buff, she has a Western collection of 250+ titles and counting that she's particularly proud of. As he revealed his plan to save the world, she fantasizedsexually about him. Although, she still thought the problem wasn't in her relationship with Spike, but with herself. In the final issue of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Reckoning, Buffy also did not end with Buffy romantically involved with anyone. Unbeknownst to Riley (who had at that point no idea Buffy had dated a vampire), she had been defending Angel and her relationship with him, making a point of saying that monsters weren't alwaysevil, specifically vampires. They then went through another setback when Giles had chosen Faith's side over hers, after Faith had almost killed during a undercover mission. HBO Max Comedies Thatll Put You in a Good Mood. Buffy insisted that he didn't want to know anyway and that it was none of his business. [43], When Giles returned to the Scooby Gang, Buffy realized that Angel helped resurrect him. When he met her, he tried once more to convince Buffy that she did love him and simply didn't want to admit it. Once it was confirmed her mother had died, she was in shockfor some time and felt as if nothing was real anymore. When the demon Sweet cursed the inhabitants of Sunnydale to reveal their true feelings through songs, Buffy revealed to her friends that she had been ripped from heaven, and went into a fatal dance under the influence of the spell. Heck, it may have gone from room to room singing about it. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is available to stream via Amazon Prime and All 4 now. Following buffy's. For the fact that buffy start. In it, we got to see what sex with the bad boy actually looked like after being merely titillated with the archetype by our favorite teen dramas for so long. 5. Willow also apologized for keeping her relationship with Tara a secret to Buffy and everyone else, making peace with each other. In the end, Buffy allowed Willow to go on her own, with the witch reassuring Buffy that she will not let her down this time. [178], A young Buffy was upset that she had a sibling when Dawn was born, feeling like her parents would forget about her. They had sex that night and since then have resumed their relationship. Sadly, at the end of the series, Buffy did not end up with Angel, or anyone at all. After going on patrol with him, Buffy slept with Riley for the first time. [85] When confronted with her feelings in a conversation with Dawn, Buffy preferred leaving to help Spike fighting in a cemetery, where she suddenly kissed him. Spike admits his love for Buffy, but Buffy does not. [32], The following day, Buffy and Spike, along with her friends and fellow Slayers, battled the First Evil in the Hellmouth. When Buffy confessed to Xander, he doubted the strength of her feelings, noting that she went through a lot of romantic possibilities including experimentation with Satsu before settling on her best friend. [48], Two years later, they were reunited and cooperated during the Reckoning; Angel did his best not to look smug that Buffy and Spike had broken up as he had predicted,[49] while Buffy was apparently jealous that Angel was then in a relationship with Illyria. [149]Despite Xander's remorse, Buffy still felt betrayed by him and had even held her scythe to his throat much longer than necessary when he had suddenly appeared behind her. However, she had wanted her in jail from the beginning, she just never thought Faith would go willingly.[24]. I personally don't understand why they wouldn't. Spike, by design, embodied everything Buffy hated, which was confusing and thrilling for fans and slayers alike. Most people would sleep with their lovers if they felt it was going to be the last time. Her intense hatred of himlessened intomild dislike, not hesitating to point out her revulsion of him creating the Buffybot to sleep with but gratefully promised him she would never forget what he did for her and Dawn. Spike attempted to have the Judge kill Buffy by burning out her humanity while Angel watched, but they managed to escape. Three times Spike watches Buffy sleep, and one time she watches him. They hugged while she told him this went both ways. Yet I would have preferred they didn't. [68] After Tara was murdered and Willow turned dark, she was scornful and cruel towards Buffy, even resulting in a full-out fight with her. Buffy seemed to utterly believe everything she had told him, but it was nonetheless clear Riley still carried doubts. Buffy once again argued to him that she was not responsible for Dawn's health, only causing to infuriate him more to the point he stormed out of the apartment. The two kissed, spurning Buffy's concerns of the lady neediness sufficient you to she considered the guy should go Immediately following the woman mom's, Joyce Summertimes, abrupt death, Angel reappeared inside the Sunnydale so you can spirits her and try to ease several of the woman despair. [53] After Dawn realized she was the Key, Buffy was angrytowards Spike who had went along withDawn and immediately inflicted injury on him. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. Though Buffy tried to get Spike to return to the surface with her, he told her that he had to give up his life, and in acceptance,her eyes became tearyand clasped hands with him, smiling at him proudly for proving his merit as a champion. "[30]In herattempt trying to kill a empowered Caleb, Angelsuddenly arrived and saved her frombeing killedwhen Caleb had briefly overpowered her. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. ) BUT DON'T BRING IT BACK WITHOUT SPIKE [49] The two maintained an amicable relationship, working along the Scooby Gang against the Reckoning. As Riley continued to persist, the two clashed with their differing views onfighting demons. Best Answer. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The reason why is that their relationship was getting back on a solid footing of trusting each other and maybe moving toward something deeper, but it was still at a delicate point. How do we know that? Buffy, never one for rules herself, was somewhat drawn to Faith's rebellious nature,[180] but was horrified when Faith fell into reckless abandon and accidentally killed a man. "feel like a bit of the rough and tumble?"_____ needed to make a more li. Spike was the right man to be with as she became the power., Buffy the Vampire Slayer is streaming on All4 and Amazon Prime Video now. [10] Buffy and Willow became best friends, even sisterly, and when stumbling on magics of how to re-ensoul Angel, she had heartily agreed, wanting to bring Angel back for Buffy. I don't think they had sex. She visited her in a dream and reassured her that she would come back. Though she later admitted that he constantly lying and trying to be okay for him and the others was exhausting. Buffy was also uneasyto hear that Willow was a lesbian, but nonetheless encouraged her and told her she was okay with it. ShakespeareLover - Spuffy Fanfiction - Angelfire [100] A healing Riley soon expressed to Buffy his complete lack of purposeand how he no longer knew if the Initiative was a source of good or evil anymore, Buffy gave him a heartfelt speech, reassuring him that he didn't have to follow them if hedidn't want to. [41] Angel murdered Buffy's Watcher, Giles, before her, and, in her grief, Buffy smashed the Seed and destroyed Twilight's influence for good. Into the invited regarding Spike's solution, Buffy clasped hand which have him. [43] Not very long after, Xander's secret double-crossing act was blown during their battle in the Deeper Well. Riley thengave her an ultimatum: he'd stay if she gave their relationship another shot or he'd leave with the military and never return. Buffy woke up, only to find her best friend having already left and merely leaving a note. Afterward, she followed him to the alley outside the Bronze, where the two kissed. I like to think they slept together again. He made the assumption in season 6 because they had been sleeping together regularly Buffy did love him but she was just denying her feelings because of what others might think. To get descriptions of the upcoming episodes, please visit the Upcoming Episodes page. Riley confronted her and begged her to listen to him, a reluctant and still cold Buffy agreeing. Buffy does fall in love with a vampire, his name is Angel. After beating off Glory again, BuffysnappedDawn out of her depression, honestly saying thateven if she wasn't real, she still loved her and saw her as her sister. Riley realized that Buffy had been sleeping with Spike, which caused him to show fleeting jealousy. This has been asked before this how I responded then. [135] At one point, Willow also curiously asked Satsu what Buffy was like in bed, but Satsu refused to answer, too embarrassed. [107]Buffy's annoyance and envy of Dawn grew even more,tired of being the"grown-up" while Dawn constantly got off easy. To set the scene: Sunnydales most unhinged will-they-or-wont-they couple are locked in a typically brutal physical altercation. Nonetheless, he sought her out again while she was patrolling. There is more scope for the evocative; for bolder, more honest storytelling, including what happens when young people want each other. Riley discovered that she was housing Spike in secret and immediately was suspicious and angry, not understanding why she would harbor a monster and not tell him. He was defending Anya but it shut Xander right up to find out Buffy who he held on a pedestal had done the same thing. Unexpectedly, Spike pulled Buffy into a passionate kiss and told her he loved her. [28]Over time though, Giles worried that he was holding her back from embracing her adult duties and this sadly prompted him to leave for England,[62] being one of the factors that caused an angry, vulnerable, and alone Buffy to embark on a highly destructive sexual relationship with Spike. But the scene they added with Angel just doused cold water over all of that in my opinion I also think thats the biggest reason why he couldnt believe that she loved him when she finally said it! While talking with Angel, she admitted that her mother was always the strongest one and that she didn't know what to do now that she was gone. [42], Following the destruction of the Seed, Spike and Buffy both moved to San Francisco, where they kept in regular contact with one another. Spike's love and and devotion were only heightened by his new soul, and he and Buffy quickly developed a strong, meaningful connection with each other. This act infuriated Buffy and the only cure being the blood of a Slayer, she headed to Faith's apartment and engaged in a vicious battle with her fellow Slayer. While Buffy's primary relationships were with Angel, Riley, and Spike, she has had other romantic encounters through her life. I don't think he would make the same mistake of believing that being physical equals love. Having long-established insecurities over Faith, Buffy was jealous and could not believe he would want to redeem her after everything she had done to both of them. Buffy was annoyed with his black-and-white mentality of all monsters being bad and that it was foolish to date a non-human creature because it was too "dangerous." Suddenly, a stakeout date of birth and when his soul. [106]The strength of the bond was showcased again when the Watchers Council threatened to deport Giles indefinitely back to England ifthey did not allow them to analysis her skills as a Slayer. I really dont think him not believing her precludes them sleeping together. Post Something Blue and Buffy and Spike are struggling against the pull they feel for each other and their memories of the Willow induced engagement. "[180] However, they soon developed a close, fatherly bond with Buffy. This meeting of the bodies had been teased out for the better part of two seasons and was game-changing in the teen TV universe. Buffy insisted she needed him, but ifhe was determined to not trust her,then she wouldat leasthave him healthy again. [145] Xander was also protective of Buffy and held great distrust towards Spike, upon the discovery that he had attempted to rape her. [95], Buffy continued to spent time with him and even asked him if he would like to be a their own Thanksgiving, only for Rileyexplain he was traveling back to Iowatobe with his family. She becomes so irritated by Buffy and Spike's behavior that she accidentally spits out, "Then why don't you marry him! But since Joss himself left it up to me to decide, I say yes! "[204] Later in the year, due to Dawn's deteriorating health because of the end of magic, Buffy was forced to call Faith for some help. [67] Dawn expressed to Spike that he had hurt her sister, and urged him to talk to her. BtVS and Consent Issues: Buffy and Spike, Post-"Seeing Red" She would reflect on this to Willow, expressing her guilt they she had to keep her role as The Slayer secret from him. When Riley had informed her of his recklessness and the growing feeling he felt of Buffy not truly needing him because of her unwillingness to be vulnerable with him. The reality of her mother's death fully sinking in, Buffy broke down crying with her sister. From battling each other to battling side by side, everyseason revealed a little more about their powerful dynamic. [57]He returned to Sunnydale only briefly to track down a dangerous demon, with his new wife Sam. [148] After struggling to find others who would help them with Dawn, Buffy tried to persuade a fuming Xander that they had to work together on this. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Angel, however, could not be killed as a result of the powers granted to him by Twilight. Many scenes between Faith and Buffy are seen as homoerotic in nature and caused them to become a popular lesbian pairing. Concerning the action in the scene itself, perhaps a spaghetti strap would be tenderly removed from a shoulder to reveal a slip of bare skin la Joey and Paceys first time on Dawsons Creek. Shesaidthat she was not in a relationship with Spike, but he still had a place close to her heart nonetheless. "[26], After her mother's, Joyce Summers, sudden death, Angel reappeared in Sunnydale to comfort her and try to ease some of her grief. [136] Following the end of magic, Willow disapproved of Buffy's decision to destroy the seed, believing the Earth to be dying without magic. Season Six Regulars Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers Nicholas Brendon as Xander Harris Emma Caulfield as Anya Michelle Trachtenberg as Dawn James Marsters as Spike Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg