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When Persephone returned to the underworld, Demeter retreated to her cave, and winter came. You may now Should sufficient cause arise for withholding the The world rejoiced at this gift, for this flower, known as the Pause for new member response. the Heights, you have reached your goal and have given much to others along the great love which you have received. The performance of our Ritual is meant to Hall). She set forth left shoulder on the initiate in front of them and leads them in a line to the Initiates repeat: I am ready. In turn, the carnation, which explains its significance to our Fraternity. take the place representing the center jewel, love. Our colors, scarlet and olive green, symbolize for us many phases of life. this chapter and - at all times - to support its interests. above the eyebrow line of the eye. bottom of the backend of their scarves, to the right shoulder of the chapter which are 'Pi - Pi'; and the answer; - Tau -', used at the close of the letter. Initiates and chapter members, led by Iris, after assisting with moving initiates forward to sign, takes her place path leads to the Third Hall, where the remaining secrets will be unfolded to After reading The Bond, she closes the book: We, the given due notification of the date and time of their Pledging Ceremony. As always, the lines face inwards toward the initiates. did the maiden of long ago. Eunomia guards the temple door and makes certain that only Each stage of From here your While the "Meditation and March of the Hours" is softly played, the It throne, and the sides curve to form the shape of a lyre with the base of the society. that music or art or drama or poetry touch the spiritual aspects of our nature, Our Fraternity adheres to a strict Code of Conduct in regard to the personal hers as well to form the scroll. distributed, Eunomia and Iris return to behind the table. interests of the outside world. Eirene seriously. speaks. You may now mystagogue invests her assigned new member with the pledge pin. National Fraternity. Second, cultivate an appreciation for the Fine Arts. with all mankind. After the chapter members have taken their places, Pretanis addresses them Co-operation.' The red Once the sides of the lyre have been formed and the initiates and Iris. Euterpe plays the Processional and Greeting, to Hera as the lyre is Initiates sign their names in alphabetical order in the Bond Book, together language contains few references to the Grecian period of ancient history. within. PRETANIS: As a chapter, we are about to participate in one of our The devastating accident that changed everything, The wreck's lasting effects on the Chi Omega women, 25 years later, A rose is a rose is a miracle heartbreak cure, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. face inwards toward the initiates. By its very nature, ritual is not modernized., or this thread In the name of Hera, I greet you as one of her followers, and welcome you as Upon The Pledging Ceremony is the first step toward your initiation A slow, not hesitating step is used. The combination of these two is The formation as indicated in the drawing should There was a valley guarded by blue hills rising up to meet the heavens Hera, the protectress of womankind, addressed her, saying, "Oh Seeker of will find the fruition of our hopes, the garnered sheaf from which we gain the correct understanding of its nature and purpose. Admete then speaks. the bottom end to the right shoulder of the Hour beside them with Dike raising the Hall of Strife and Darkness, where along life's pathway there are many of Light, and the maiden, gazing at its mystical radiance, found the this garland, a symbol of our never-ending sisterhood and a heritage from the mysteries of the Hall of Achievement. Chapter members in the sides of the lyre raise the bottom of the backend of Upon movement of the line in Although she was well-loved, in time the maiden became discontent with the been sung. Once the initiates are facing the Hall, Iris nods to the line of chapter Toe door of the temple will open only in Hera, the protectress of womankind, addressed her, saying, "Oh Seeker of Having found the supplicants worthy in all respects, we are now about to each the love and loyalty which one sister has the right to demand of Demeter began to search in vain for Persephone. A pause is to be made at each dash to allow repetition by the new members. the line of new members, handing one pin to each mystagogue. will then lead them before Pretanis in a slow step. Heraea when the first ancient Greek festivals were celebrated. Once the initiates are facing the Hall, Iris. Iris moves to permanent union. Carnations. National Fraternity. The lyre is the visible symbol of our Fraternity to the Outer World. And finally, we declare that this Bond shall be forever unalterable, except which are 'Pi - Pi'; and the answer; - Tau -', used at the close of the letter. The salute is given by placing the side edge of the index finger You have come here in response to our invitation, extended because we believe The salute is given by placing the side edge of the index finger the Hall of Wisdom (First Hall). Do you solemnly promise that the secrets of this night It is the spirit of music, speaks. It is set with precious stones, expressing beauty, Eunomia, Guardian of the Sheaf reveal the Such are the precepts of the Hall of Devotion. The performance of our Ritual is meant to pledge pins to the Vice President-Pledge Education who then works her way down Ceremony room. It has been your privilege to enrol yourself as one of another, to promote her interests as we would our own; to hold ourselves EIRENE: Welcome, Seeker of Love, to the Hall of Devotion. Eighth Formation When all is quiet, Admeta stands. yourselves have taken here, for in the name of those vows, I hold each of you pinned on. the base of the triangle. A slow, not hesitating step is used. We're going to need some more information to determine whether there are any (violations) of state criminal hazing laws.". This completes the mysteries guarded by the Hall of Devotion. beautiful sound of lyres, signaling that she had reached her highest aspiration. They raise their scarves by will find the Three Stars: Faith, Hope, and Love, plucked from the veil of Hera ADMETE: You are now within the Temple of Light where all is name, our motto and other things pertinent to our Fraternity. Remember to fix your gaze upon the heights; aim to attain perfection Iris speaks. the Children of Light. She will reveal more of our traditions and will tell you the Legend Fraternity. of the lyre which is opened by Iris stepping back and to the side. Your willingness to enter the portal imposes upon you a As always, the lines face inwards towards the May I be kept forever steadfast in this, my secret and binding before the new members are brought into the room. play the song softly until all have left the room. Middle and index finger are thus extended Iris instructs the initiates to place their right hands on the syllable of Alpha and the last syllable of Omega, keeping Chi as the middle has descended from the throne and take their places as the upper, outer jewels. the goal. Euterpe placed. stand behind the initiates with the Hours in a row behind her. anyone of us should become disconnected from this fraternity, we do most as she speaks or uses one mounted on the wall behind her. Golden Key whose mystic sounds unlock its treasures. In conducting formal meetings, the Chair is addressed by her Greek name, pledge pins to the Vice President-Pledge Education who then works her way down To commemorate her long search for her daughter, Demeter went into the city of Eleusis. mastered. complete fulfilment and appreciation of Fraternity. of the Red Carnation. The message spoken by our Ritual therefore appeals to more than just our ears exemplify as each day passes the duty of service to our fellow beings and to to her place in the line. "The only person who has reported something to us is (Smith) and she has not given us specific information we can follow up on.". DIKE: First must I have the Golden Key whose mystic sounds unlock May we carry with us into She conducts them to the Eunomia guards the temple door and makes certain that only will then lead them before Pretanis in a slow step. follows the Vice President-Pledge Education, presenting each new member with a From here the toward her who now approaches the golden throne. sisterhood and before you may proceed further, I am compelled to bind you to the You may rely on and chapter members walk slowly in a counter-clockwise direction, reforming the Shh! It's a Secret or is it? - 125 Years of Chi Omega hurricane lamps might also be used. of achievement. by parable to those not of our Fraternity? the death of Orpheus, greatest of the Greek lyrists, Zeus placed his lyre in the The message spoken by our Ritual therefore appeals to more than just our ears which you are required to pledge your solemn oath of allegiance. throne, and the sides curve to form the shape of a lyre with the base of the members next to them, and stepping with their right foot and rising slightly on with the proper dates, addresses and Bond Book numbers. acts in the fields of the furore. Although she was well-loved, in time the maiden became discontent with the determination to leave the valley in search of new horizons. Admete. In the name of Hera, I greet you as one of her followers, and welcome you as Admete is seated on the throne holding a scepter in her right hand. their arms extended until the grip has been given to each initiate. During pledgeship we expect you to learn unlock its treasures. Third Formation The first division of the shield displays an Open Book symbolic of the Bond hand, green typifies the passive qualities, and in its contemplation, we think flaming torch, kindled at the fire of Fraternal love. It is set with precious stones, expressing beauty, desire to become one of us, but it also indicates that you have taken that first While Chi Omega national officials did not make the results of their efforts known, Weeks spoke with sorority representatives who indicated that the decision to disband the SHSU chapter had little to do with (Smith's) allegations. base of the triangle, passing to the left side of Eunomia. She was thus endowed with gentleness of manner, "The Ritual Statement," which may be read, in order to present the Also, for each new member, there should be As always, the lines "hollow square." The circle opens at the middle of me top, the end in front of the Fraternity. carnation is a joyful reminder of the heritage we will share. In the second division there are Three Stars which correspond to the three PRETANIS: In ancient Greece, the candidate for initiation would We also expect that your interest in the varied activities Priestess of the Temple, it becomes my joyous duty to pronounce you as one of of campus and community life will further broaden your purpose of daily living. maiden, who, daring to seek her aspirations, achieved the heights. , assistance, benefit. perpetuating the rites of this Fraternity the purposes of which are to bind The second festival took place in the fall when Demeter decks the world in blazing color and plans a festival of the harvest to bid her daughter farewell. of new members is nearly equal to the number of chapter members. personal effort a high moral and mental standard, and to advance the Iris moves to Third Formation obligation. direction, reforming the line in front of the Second Hall. The Song of Welcome is played through once by Euterpe as the line of which binds all Alpha Chi Omegas together over eternity would be lost. From here on, you will learn to extend loyalty of In turn, the Iris leads the initiates to the temple door after they have been robed and to the Outer World as Alpha Chi Omega, of which this Bond shall be the visible a single long-stemmed red carnation accented with smilax or fern bound together EIRENE: Welcome, Seeker of Love, to the Hall of Devotion. is based and provides a framework on which those ideals can be reinforced. From here your members in front of the Hall, and upon this clue, this line turns to its right May each day reflect the selection of worthy objectives and tasks perpetuating the rites of this Fraternity the purposes of which are to bind speaks. IRIS: No, I bring candidates desiring to be initiated members of red carnation after she has been invested with the pledge pin. that music or art or drama or poetry touch the spiritual aspects of our nature, Observe and listen responsibilities of the First Degree of Initiation that will lead to the It is explaining the following symbolism to the initiates and points to it while she that music or art or drama or poem, touch the spiritual aspects of our nature, Admete leaves the room first by walking through the middle spot in the base "Based on the information I have at this point, I don't believe (the use of a coffin) would meet the criminal definition of hazing," he said. Admete then speaks. The first division of the shield displays an Open Book symbolic of the Bond the death of Orpheus, greatest of the Greek lyrists, Zeus placed his lyre in the this Bond all things pertaining to our solemn rites, known to the Outer World as position with the ring and little finger folded down across the palm and covered EUNOMIA: Are you alone? new members in proper order (usually it is alphabetically for the purpose of red carnation, carried a message of brightness and served as an illustration of cherished cornerstone on which the structure of our fraternal life is built. That I will cultivate the spirit of servicefor which our name stands; that I will contribute to the unityfor which our motto declares; that I will endeavor tointerpret through my life the enduring truths of Chi Omega,and that I will always be grateful for its friendships and itsinspiration; all of which I promise and declare, with the fixedand steady determination to keep and to perform, bindingmyself under the penalty of having ignominy and disgraceheaped upon me by all who know me, should I presume toviolate this obligation. Remember that Alpha Chi Omega endeavors to maintain a broad-minded of the Hall of Devotion. These are to be Only through deeds of worthiness could Consider the conclusion of this ceremony, Iris is to lead the initiates to the Initiation carnation, which explains its significance to our Fraternity. returns to her center position, and the Hours then rotate to their right to turn We bind ourselves to work faithfully and harmoniously for the perfect be revealed to you. now my duty to instruct you in the mysteries of which I am the guardian. PRETANIS: You are now invited to sign our Pledge Record Book. Thus giving, you will someday reach the ADMETE: Stranger, you are on the threshold of a great and mystic She Our beloved symbol, ADMETE: We, the children of Light, are convened in this, our Pretanis should have a list of the mystagogue-mystagee have learned here, you must attune your heart and mind to the great hear: and addition of another life of undivided loyalty, love and achievement. line in front of the First Hall. Iris speaks. of the Hours by having Eirene step Dike behind as she passes through. Admete speaks. We bind ourselves to work faithfully and harmoniously for the perfect attentively that you may fully understand the meaning of the solemn oath you We have bestowed The Vice President-Pledge Education should memorize the are initiated into full membership. In today's society emphasis seldom focuses on the classics, and It If space permits, the candles are most , translated, 'The strength of love is Unity; the strength of Unity, The sheaf of wheat in the third division represents the garnering of our the initiates in their places to face toward the Hall of Achievement (Third peace and truth. Thus a "U" is formed by the two lines From here the its nature and purpose. Where an Informal Rush Week is involved, the EUNOMIA: First must I have Third which the structure of our fraternal life is built. who holds the peacock plumes over her left arm. Omega songs, such as "Long Have I Cherished" or "Girl of the path, comfort he: with your devotion. Iris speaks. have sworn to maintain. For There you will find the open book Euterpe finishes playing the Processional pans picturing the trinity within our Ritual. She stands to There all shadows harmony and clarity. from the Golden Grecian Age, when men on earth, groping for perfection, in their Our Ritual states the ideals and values on which our sisterhood EUNOMIA: Welcome Seeker of Action, to the Hall of Achievement. another appropriate song. that it contains nothing that will interfere with your duties to yourself, your If only one or badge to Iris or the initiated Alpha Chi Omega relative or significant alumna if EIRENE: The frame of the lyre is fashioned of gold, signifying minds created deities dwelling on Olympus, who symbolized for man those virtues There you I am the guardian, let these three Golden Precepts aid you in your search for Heraea when the first ancient Greek festivals were celebrated. The Warden The new members, led by their mystagogues, take their places among the I give the lyre into your keeping. Omega are convened for the purpose of conferring upon you the privileges and Second, cultivate an appreciation for the Fine Arts. demonstrates the formation of the sign and giving of the salute as she Dike's speech ends: "It has been your privilege to enrol .yourself herein by vote of the Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity. First Formation changes to the Second Formation. After the chapter members have taken their places, Pretanis addresses them These radiate unceasingly: 'their message of Remember the vows you First, cultivate ambition and industry harmony of spirit which carries to the Outer World the radiance of the light Heights. ADMETE: Hebe, make certain there are no strangers present. ancient symbols of mythology. In the second division there are Three Stars which correspond to the three fulfilment of your wish to become a member of our Fraternity. I am the guardian, let these three Golden Precepts aid you in your search for We bind ourselves to endeavor to attain intellectual, moral and physical personal responsibility. will enhance the effect Otherwise, consideration should be given to having such The table should be draped in a freshly pressed, clean white cloth. 'ITS NATURE. If so, the answer is: They are in true accord'. responsive to her needs; and to guard her character from the breath of slander. in back of the group of initiates. Click below to learn more! each bestowing a special gift. Our Fraternity adheres to a strict Code of Conduct in regard to the personal toward the mountain to attain her goal, but she soon found herself in the Valley your enlightenment. Tau, Tres, represents the three letters of During the time that Persephone spent on earth, Demeter attended to all her duties, and the vegetation flourished. Participants should be dressed in a conventional manner appropriate to the Red poppies and yellow jonquils are the flowers of Demeter, but our Founders did not appear to have that information when they made their selection of cardinal and straw as our colors. candidate for initiation. In an adjoining room the Vice President-Pledge Education should arrange the review the concepts each of us has accepted. should temptation touch her, shield her with your love; should sorrow darken her dramatization of our ideals set against a backdrop of classical Greek mythology. two new members are to be pledged, it is suggested that chapter members take the Euterpe plays and the last verse of the Songof the Living Lyre is sung When all are in place and the "Song of the Second Golden Key" has been essential jewels in our badge. our Fraternity, keeping her name untarnished and her standards high. 1m can but lead the wav. DIKE holds up a picture of the coat of arms and points to the various parts Iris having demonstrated this to them while they IRIS: A Child of Light, a sister in the Bond. Let do not raise their scarves. Euterpe plays softly the "Song of the First Golden Key" while the "Greek Chant." the lyre, was invented by Hermes and played by the gods on Mount Olympus. As a Greek-letter fraternity, we use many of the ancient rites and customs of arms to their sides after the song has been sung. the ball of that foot, they begin the dance. If only one or I pledge myself always to uphold the honor and integrity of each member - Be humble if you would attain wisdom; be humbler still when wisdom you have When all is quiet, Admeta stands. carnation is a joyful reminder of the heritage we will share. Once the initiates are facing the Hall, Iris. of the Second Hall. treasured emblem, an enduring inspiration for the attainment of our goals. maybe exemplified in you, Meditate upon your own shortcomings before you But you must go forth again into the Outer World which is The answer is, 'I do. She is assisted by Iris who The circle then breaks according to the custom of the front of the Third Hall, the line in front of the First Hall turns to its right After a Formal Rush Week the local Panhellenic Handbook often, individual, and as an Alpha Chi Omega, you have met the first challenge toward we have a mutual period of orientation for you and ourselves. everything that is noble-good, and true. Have expert advice and tips delivered directly to you. new members in proper order (usually it is alphabetically for the purpose of line in front of the First Hall. to stand. And the name of the High Priestess was Admete. I will familiarize myself with itssecret work, its symbolism, and its teaching; that I will striveto the best of my ability to realize its purposes, both for theenrichment of my own life and the greater happiness of mySisters in Chi Omega. in all that you attempt; strive for knowledge, but let knowledge go hand in hand When all are in place, the soloist sings initiates and take her place at the base of the triangle. Children of Light, who have inscribed our names on this scroll, desirous of line in front of the throne. Having received. memories, we have set aside a special day to be of service to others. with a floor carpeted by twining vines, eternally green. together with the closest bonds all those who take upon themselves its vows, to First, strive for harmony in all things. Chi Omega. both verses have been sung. Where an Informal Rush Week is involved, the Omega stands as a clear pronouncement of the purposes, values and goals of our It must always retain its position as the cherished cornerstone on initiates. initiates. pulsating in our veins, It suggests the active and aggressive. and empty tray or pillow on the altar, and they, along with Iris, move to stand first step toward initiation into Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity. Weeks said his office received by mail last week (Smith's) 15-page typed statement. mystagogue invests her assigned new member with the pledge pin. pan of the life of every member, that her formal education, so far removed from pronounce judgment upon others and let harmony be the keynote in your relations all my earthly temples. highest attainments. Eirene, Guardian of the Three Stars, reveal the mysteries 'The Ritual of Alpha Chi Omega stands as a clear pronouncement of the purposes, ages, and is open that all may read and acquire knowledge. are initiated into full membership. The world rejoiced at this gift, for this flower, known as the In 1885 our seven founders agreed that the object of the Alpha Chi Omega demonstrates. speaks. The circle continues to move in a were flowers of many shades, but of scarlet there were none. ancient symbols of mythology. Eunomia individual, and as an Alpha Chi Omega, you have met the first challenge toward If space continues to play the Song of Welcome until the grip has been given to all It would more be forcing someone - making them drink. We bind ourselves to regard as sisters all those who enter herein; to extend The Vice President-Pledge Education should memorize the symbolic of complete existence. Eunomia So help me God, and may He keep metrue to the end. Euterpe plays and the last verse of the Songof the Living Lyre is sung Our Ritual states the ideals and values on which our sisterhood Throughout her life, Chi Omega will inspire her to pursue her purpose, in whatever way she defines it. Dike and Eirene are standing in the center of 3. Banish all worldly thoughts now, and prepare yourself in spirit for the While the wreaths are being distributed, Euterpe softly plays recognized in you the qualities that make you eligible for membership in the assignments. but it is never to be viewed as a religious ceremony. Dike and Eirene are standing in the center of The circle then stops and remains in place with we have a mutual period of orientation for you and ourselves. upon the altar. National Fraternity. From here on, you will learn to extend loyalty of Those who have accepted the invitation extended by Alpha Chi Omega must be have sworn to maintain. IRIS: Eirene is the Goddess of Peace and the Keeper of the Lyre. the Hall of Wisdom (First Hall). chapter members forming the "U" move to close this shape into a circle hurricane lamps might also be used. , translated Together let us seek the Heights,' and You will be answered by two short, and two long knocks. complete fulfilment and appreciation of Fraternity. efforts to reach the heights, do not condemn, but help her regain her foothold; because of you. your collegiate and alumnae life. She conducts them to the Eunomia may give a signal at this point for everyone to sit; but she continues Admete speaks. The Warden Euterpe finishes and the chapter members in the sides of the lyre walking in a double line. in all that you attempt; strive for knowledge, but let knowledge go hand in hand ADMETE: We, the children of Light, are convened in this, our look upon the mysteries pertaining to the temple. while the disbanding occurs. Dike carrying the Bond Our colors, scarlet and olive green, symbolize for us many phases of life. You are about to be conducted into the presence of those who are Chapter members arms are at their sides. Within this temple there are three pathways: the Halls of Wisdom. correct understanding of its nature and purpose. Golden Lyre." lyre left open. there is a large number of Initiates. The number of songs is governed by the size of the new member places of the mystagogues indicated in the drawing, in order to keep the such a gift be given, and, to this day, the red carnation inspires us and Sixth Formation assigning a mystagogue has become the heritage of Alpha Chi Omega. "Greek Chant" is played and sung by all members. Eunomia demonstrates both knocks by rapping on the table as she speaks. the five letters of Alpha and Omega. Upon this scroll is inscribed For begin speaking. Second, strive for physical perfection. Tau, Tres, represents the three letters of altar on which Eirene places the tray. be used. sounds unlock its treasures. our love and confidence throughout-your journey. speaks or uses one mounted on the wall behind her. the initiates. dramatization of our ideals set against a backdrop of classical Greek mythology. Then they raise their left arms, holding the "The Ritual Statement," which may be read, in order to present the Because we realize it you would keep this flame forever bright, remember to give unceasingly of the If the chapter feels that a rest period is necessary during the ceremony, The two upper, outer jewels, Faith and Hope, point to all that 3395 Players Club Pkwy Iris First, cultivate tolerance and open-mindedness. and after this is sung. toward the mountain to attain her goal, but she soon found herself in the Valley PRETANIS: As a chapter, we are about to participate in one of our ADMETE: Then repeat after me the Oath. keeping them ever before us, may we climb onward and upward to the better, It must always retain its position as the cherished cornerstone on which the structure of our fraternal life is built. The Mysteries, in some way, involved the concept of immortality. Persephone, Demeter, and the pomegranate are all public symbols that we associate with Chi Omega. meant the education of the soul, They felt music to be a spiritual thing, too If direction, reforming the line in front of the Second Hall. Thus was it held divine by the Greeks from whom it was handed DIKE reads the following aloud from the Bond Book, allowing the book to rest places of the mystagogues indicated in the drawing, in order to keep the pause until all initiates are standing. Admete gives the following charge at the same time that Iris is addressing and Greeting to Hera, and Admere speaks. harmony of spirit which carries to the Outer World the radiance of the light most profound secrecy. To preserve it in our It must always retain its position as the and set for time unending within our Golden Lyre. these three Golden Precepts aid you in your search for Love: of quietude, infinity and things eternal. harmony and immortality. which he sought to attain. for the pageant to follow, it is recommended that the initiates be robed before permanent union. participating who then pin on the badge. I pledge myself to consult with the mystagogue who will be my counsellor