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READ MORE Senator Challenges Asylum Policy, READ MORE FCC Proposes Anti-Text Scam Policy, READ MORE Senate Minority Leader Supports Increased Defense Spending, READ MORE Energy Department Awards $7 Million for Truck Decarbonization, Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions of Use, Senate Minority Leader Supports Increased Defense Spending, Energy Department Awards $7 Million for Truck Decarbonization, Presidents Today Schedule August 25, 2020, Mint Director Asks for Help with Coin Shortage. FOR VOTERS TO SEEK OUT THE TRUTH. I ask this in the Name thats more POWERFUL AND ABOVE THAN ANY OTHER NAME, JESUS! May Americans elect Your anointed leader who will stir America in the Holy democratic directions. and keep them from deceit and corruption. Thank you for choosing to put me in this country, at this time, and for Your purposes. Help us to keep our lamps full and trimmed as we continue to wait on the Groom to come carry away His bride. Our prayers prayed in agreement are more powerful. You know the end from the beginning and we can fully trust You all along the way in the middle till we come to the very end. We declare in Jesus Name corruption of the ballots will be exposed! guard our people and how the Gospel compels us to respond as faithful citizens in our community. For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come (Hebrews 13:14). May those who walk in darkness be rescued from the dominion of darkness and be transported into the Kingdom of Gods Beloved Son Colossians 1:13. Please save this country from the evil plots against this election. We come to you this Election Day asking that you take aware any fear of the unknown and the future. How can the quarreling colonists be brought under a unified government? That question is almost as appropriate now as it was in 1787 as delegates to the Constitutional Convention gathered in Philadelphia. WebPRAISE THE LORD , AS SRILANKA GOES FOR POLES TO ELECT THE NEXT SRILANKAN PRESIDENT, SAJITH PREMADASA OF New Democratic Front (NDF) OF Sri Lanka. Raise up men & women of integrity in the govt! If you are seeking Bible verses for election day, you have come to the right place. Please keep our country healthy during this season. Lord, we ask all these things, believing them to be Your will and believing them to be for Your glory, in the precious all-prevailing name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Savior. 6 ways to pray for our country during the election | World Vision Thats all I know. Pray for candidates to have an encounter with Christ that is life-changing if they do not know Him. It is not over until it is over. May it begin with the election results for which we petition your throne of grace but let it continue in a marvelous spirit led work of your church. As when fire sets twigs ablaze and causes water to boil, come down to make your name known to your enemies and cause the nations to quake before you! I pray I voted and will continue to pray for Gods truth justice and mercy and protection, Lord God, our Father and Creator, Thy will be done. Oh, that they may see Jesus! Help us O Lord! We ask this in the name of your Son Jesus Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Prayer In the Bible, You tell us that to be a leader, he or she must also be a servant; please instill a spirit of servanthood in both candidates in all their future endeavors, whether they win this election or not. Father God, we wanted to put you into remembrance that you had a divine plan for America to be a springboard for your gospel to spread around the world and our forefathers made a covenant with you through the Mayflower Compact on 11/11/1620. I would like to post this on other social sites. Fears of tampering by foreign influences have brought both Republicans and Democrats to the boiling point. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. A government elected of men can honor you in its laws and policies and make way for your church to freely be your hands and feet. Election-Related Rosary Meditations. ALL power and ALL authority, You have given to Your Son Jesus. Lord God you have chosen to allow men to rule over nations. She and her husband have lived all over the country serving their Lord and Savior in ministry. Give them the strength to make good decisions both in and out of the public eye. election KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING ON AT ALL TIMES. May other Nations look upon America and see LOVE FOR ONE AND FOR ALL. we pray for wisdom as we prepare to vote in the Federal election. 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Suite 2101Washington, DC 20003, Mission & ValuesUpcoming EventsBook an Event. John Piper is founder and teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. Heavenly Father, we come before the righteous judge of the universe to plead our case for the deliverance of the soul and destiny of the United States of America from Satans control. In Psalm 34, the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry.. WE ARE YOUR BODY and not realizing that brings dire consequences. In the healthiest churches, we find a holy conspiracy between pastors who gladly care for the sheep, and sheep who do what they can so that the pastors might serve joyfully. So, Father God, Righteous judge, the fate of America is hanging on balance in this election. Allow love to grow, rather than resentment. Help them readily give grace and receive it. Allow decisive and overwhelming victories five points up for Your candidates, five points down and out for those who are not Your candidates. You shall represent the people before God and bring their cases to God, and you shall warn them about the statutes and the laws, and make them know the way in which they must walk and what they must do. Please forgive us all our transgressions and cleanse us from all our unrighteousness. I pray that many people will hear and accept his words that apply to todays election. -Oh Almighty God, you have the ultimate power over everything; kindly guide the prospective parties in the correct direction such that they can organize an election campaign successfully with good and pure intentions of earning votes that can get elected and can work for the improvement of the society. Hebron is the first (Eph 4:32), 11. Win we thank you, Lord. Who knows, but historically Americans have risen to the challenge and peacefully selected those who govern them. Amen. Thank you, Father, for giving us the keys of David that open doors that no mane can shut & close doors that no man can open. Thank you, Laura! In the mighty name of Jesus we pray!! God our God come and fill us and Bless America Again FOR ONE AND FOR ALL. Lord you alone know all things. Let us give thanks to God, saying, we thank you, Lord'. We pray that those who have resorted to viciousness in their campaigns would repent, that they would receive forgiveness, and that they would in turn But what is most important is Your will, not mine. All rights reserved. Open the eyes of their understanding. Thank you IFA for what you do, have done: rally the prayer warriors! rendering to Caesar the things that are Caesars, and to God the things that are Gods. God our Lord, free me from all evil and attract to me only good and positive things. Protect the Secret Services, first responders, the Police and those around the First and Second Families with a THORNY and FIRE protection around them! I pray that all false reporting of Covid-19 and exaggerations surrounding case numbers and deaths will be stopped and that those responsible for what seems a deliberate move to bring nations to a state of zombie-like submission will be brought to book. Imagine how different May God bless America. Are we becoming more like Jesus by the power of the Spirit? one and equal in dignity, Deliver us from the hand of the evil one. May God honor your act of faith. Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament. I humbly come into the Holy of Holies, your Heavenly Court to bring my petition of voters fraud directly to YOU; today is the Elections Day D day! WebA Prayer for our Nation as we Prepare to Elect our Leaders In preparation for Election Day, Priests for Life calls upon believers to say this prayer each day Election-Related Rosary Meditations Watch a video explaining this prayer Fill out the form below to let us know of your participation. GREATER are You O God than all of them put together! Amen. Your email address will not be published. and keep in the ways of your truth -Oh, Everlasting God, kindly shower your blessings on the candidates of the respective parties such that they can host their election campaign successfully and can make the crowd believe in their plans and agendas of improving the overall lifestyle of the people after rising into power. 6. Let us all praise God for His unending love for our beloved country. Father God, we cry out to You at this historical moment of our nation, at this crossroads we are facing. WebThe Litany concludes with one or both of these prayers: Lord of every time and place, God beyond our dreaming, we pray for wisdom as we prepare to vote in the Federal election. Amen! Novena for the Election Thank you! For all who work for peace and justice in this land, America needs Donald Trump for four more years as President. Amen. Keep the families together, and let them love one another no matter the outcome of the election. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Hear my prayer for the restoration of my relationships. This dilemma has been hailed by opposers as the major crack in its design. One of your last guests mentioned a book he had written but I did not get the name of the book. The lord is every watchful and as we join together in one accord, the lord will hear from heaven and heal our land. We learned how to see into the spiritual, as well as what is coming next for America following Asbury. Thus I pray that you kindly shower your blessings on those prospective candidates who all honestly want to bring changes into this society and help them such that they can host a successful election campaign and can do everything possible to come into power. Protects all the voters around the nation. Please be with this country during this time of decision. We declare and decree that the Lord will prevail and His people will be victorious in this election, in Jesus mighty name. Praying for victory with mandate of truth and safety when those walking in darkness continue to behave with the spirit of anti-Christ. I will sing unto the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously, the horse and the rider thrown into the sea! Ex 15:1. No matter what place we find ourselves in. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. What a blessing your prayer materials have been to me for this election. person to win, because your purposes and plans are very complex. In Jesus name, Amen. May we choose Jesus and may we choose LIFE. A Prayer for Election Day: Holy Father, Thank you for the opportunity to have a voice in the way my government runs. Keep us ever prayerful in our going out and coming in. Lord God our Father, maker of heaven and earth, we thank you that you have been pleased to give this person new birth with your Holy Spirit, to adopt him for your own, and to receive him into the fellowship of your Church. Jesus said, When you pray, believe you have received and it will be yours. Father, we have prayed, and we believe we have received the desires of our hearts, and now we give You thanks and praise in faith! Most Holy Mother, we beg you to reclaim this land for the glory of your Son. We pray that this election and the victory we plead will be an enablement to a greater awakening and revival that will take this spiritual battle to the very gates of hell and that you will send a great hammer to smash the strongholds over this nation. Break the power over our schools and higher institutions of academia, free the media from the jealous bonds of deception, bring to an end all legalized abortion in this nation, reveal and bring into the open those who molest and traffic in the flesh of women and children through sexual slavery, break our addictions to drugs and alcohol, restore men and women to the intimate relational boundaries of your design, free us from the lust and desire for silver and gold, and restore to us love and decency for our fellow man of all races that we may be one. Only you, God, can calm his heart. You are not able to do it alone. An election win for President Trump will not mean a resolution of all the problems in America today, barring some kind of massive upheaval and quelling of opposition forces in every quarter nationally and internationally. Make a way for those who are physically impaired to go vote. Help us to recognize that wisdom and exercise it in our vote. The Litany concludes with one or both of these prayers: Lord of every time and place, God beyond our dreaming, In Jesus Name. Thank you M. J. Proud member A Prayer for a Christian Candidate Running for Elected Office We break their power; we release the elective and the governmental processes from their control, and we put them in Your hands. Pray that the election outcome would result in our nation being poised for greater spiritual growth and revival. Phil Robertson is holding onto prayer this 2020 presidential election. Amen, Brian! We ask You for a mighty floodtide of spiritual revival that will sweep across this nation, casting down everything that opposes itself against the knowledge of God. Keep our eyes on You. Open our eyes to see your glory so we may praise and lift you high. Father we cry out for Mercy over this nation. Election Integrity The Presidential Prayer Team Prayer is the ultimate connection between God and His people, and when people have important decisions to make, like who to vote for in a presidential election, lifting the decision up to the Lord is a wise starting place. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy (Proverbs 31:8-9). A Prayer for the Election | Desiring God So, today as important as it is to our future does not fully tell our future for we must continue on in this way and grow up fully in Christ to secure and maintain the victory You have given us. Help Believers and sensible Americans get to the polls, pray, intercede and vote their values. Compiled by The BibleStudyTools Staff -Oh, Everlasting God, you are the ultimate solution to all the problems. Most Holy Mother, we beg you to reclaim this land for the glory of your Son. 5 Prayer Points for the 2020 Election - Kenneth Copeland Amen! Lord, give our leaders and prospective leaders the strength to be humble, soft-hearted, and willing to listen to every voice. En Espaol Print Download PDF. Lord, while we are on this earth, we participate in earthly systems of government, and it is important to do so with integrity. Here are eight prayers for the 2020 election season: Photo credit: Getty Images/Hermosa Wave. Anyone who votes for the Democrats is agreeing to the possible murder by abortion of their grandchilds future spouse! REVIVE YOURSELVES AND BE AWARE OF HIS PRESENCE HE IS SO GOOOOOOOD TO MEEEEE HE IS SO GOOD TO YOUUUU AND TO ALL !! More than 1/3 of early voters were aged 65 and older. So, today as important as it is to our future does not fully tell our future for we must continue on in this way and grow up fully in Christ to secure and maintain the victory You have given us. -Oh, Everlasting God, kindly shower your blessings on the prospective candidates and grant them your strength such that they can work hard to make their election campaign successful. Amen. We come to You as Your believing people; Your representatives in this earth, the agents of Your government in the earth. We love you, Holy Spirit! Awaken us, Lord God, through the transformative awakening power of your Holy Spirit through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. May You reign in our nation and Your name be lifted up high in this land from this day and on. Lord I pray that Your will be done concerning our election. Pray for swift justice for any unlawful or corrupt action that is taken to thwart our nations Constitution, laws, or integrity. May You be glorified by Your children in our voting Biblical Principles, ones that will bring in a harvest of people to Your Kingdom, bring Repentance and Revival, reach the unreached people, restore the Lost to Truth that stops the murder of children, restores Truth of gender at birth to the deceived, removes same sex attraction and its lies and deception, exposes rebellion based on false teaching and evil intentions, helps open the hearts and minds of the lazy, intitalled thinking people to work and be responsible. That we would cry out for Your mercy and Grace. May we choose THE LIFE OF JESUS. Abba Father, God Lord, we lift America unto Your hands this moments when they are conducting their elections, Dear Lord God step in with Your anointing of peace knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and provisions. By Your mighty hand we pray that You would be merciful to our nation to work in the hearts of those to whom You give authority. By. I have been also praying to St. Anthony that the result of this presidential election will be Gods choice. Challengers in the 2016 election claimed at least 10 electors did not faithfully cast their ballot according to the election results of their state. Praying today for people voting and Gods will to prevail, I saw a strong current from witchcraft pulling the voting to the left. You alone are God and we pray Your will to be done in this Election based on Your live, mercy and Grace rooted in Thy Faithfulness. Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Keep this revived revived oh Lord and keep the lost from grave harm until they are rescued from the pit. (for more visit: Prayers for Election Day. Once again, show forth Your glory and power. and the many blessings of democracy we enjoy. I ask for the coverage of peace and order to shower over this nation! Be the first one to post one! Thank you for putting me here on this planet for such a time as this. WebLord, You move in the hearts of people to accomplish your sovereign will. Thank you for praying over the machine that you placed your ballot in. The U.S. formally requests your participation in designing its society.