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Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. Jesus is the great Healer, and we have to ask Him what to do, first. There is a potential antidote to the current spike protein contagion which is called Suramin. That was my point, which is why I broke down 1 Peter 5:8 in its proper context, sober minded has nothing to do with alcohol in the context Peter wrote it. Pine Needle Tea- Suramin: The Peoples Antidote - Alberta WildCraft Margo, I believe I watched the same video. Your privacy is protected. The primary experimental strategy was a two-step cross-linking reaction that covalently captures the VIP-receptor-G protein ternary complex. All he can do now is be hopeful. I was tempted to buy a whole bunch of it myself, but then I realized that a little bit goes a long way and our two tubes would last a very long time. I honestly dont know what was wrong with me and/or what happened. Because other verses that make it clear concerning drunkenness, like 1 Cor. The reason I ask is because, wouldnt it be just my luck, the only evergreen on my property is a balsam fir. I may have just had severe migraines for a week due to stress and being overworked. ~ HolisticGear.com, "Got the Jab? Scripture tells us that wine is mockerand anyone who is deceived thereby is not wise Proverbs 20:1. Thespike protein contagionnow being experienced in large numbers by those who did not take the serum, but just visited with a relative or friend who did, is entirely new and unprecedented. I read something about this supplement and graphine oxide thats in those jabs maybe thats why the FDA wants to change its status to a drug. Hey, Thank You 4 letting us know! Elimination (regular bowel movements) is important, as are nutrients, and removal of other toxins (mycotoxins from mold, parasites etc) Dr Neil Nathans book Toxic has excellent information, as does Tennant Institute on the importance of voltage at the cellular level. Got some Red Pine Oil just in case, and perhaps for family who have had the jabs thanks too your info and am using it prophylactically as a precaution I suspect that Walmart and other Big Box grocery stores may be best avoided Perhaps 5G kill zones? Theres talk of possible contamination and whatnot, but Ive also not read about a single problem online. Are you someone who believes that Jesus enjoys communing with you while you are on a buzz? there are different protocols for Covid treatment, so dont worry if you read different things. But the idea here is to get phytochemicals that act the same way as suramin in the human body. Then the Flat Leaf Cedar Tea but only 1/4 cup dose 2-3 times a day as it is very strong Medicine. Two energy drinks and two cups of coffee in a 24-hour period was the norm. extracts, Antibacterial activity of organic acids in aqueous extracts from pine needles (Pinus massoniana Lamb. Healthy until March when heavy, irregular bleeding began. ~ HolisticGear.com, "Even better, you can ingest Suramin simply by drinking Pine needle tea.Suramin has inhibitory effects against components of coagulation (clotting) cascade and against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA." Yetpine needle teaprovides a similar, if not superior, benefit, due in part to the fact that it is a direct mild extract of the whole herb leaving many of its properties still intact thatmight be destroyed by excessive heat during distillation and further dissection of its many nutrient components. Regardless, I just drink and swallow whatever remaining needles are in the tea. That our professionals and decision-makers have continued to allow this sham to continue reveals that this sham is intentional. When I write articles I try to make it easy reading and often get feedback precisely about it is pleasant for others to read what I write. We have now examined the effect of suramin on G protein signaling for the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) receptor in lung. Often lasting intermittently for 24 hrs. Im a sucker for any and all natural medicine. NAC is said to work detoxing the poison from vaxx With the known one I prep with taking pine needle tea and it makes it alright for me to do my two hour shift but if there is a second exposure in 24 hrs, I am down in dizzy spells then convulsions start. Even though there was evidence for elderberry contributing to cytokine storm. Everyone MUST be vaccinated before September 1. Im in Thailand and me and my family are trying to stay healthy and trying to keep away from the vaccinated zombies. Molecule 205 wassuramin(Fig. I stuff the chopped needles in both tea bags and tea balls. and a compound, suramin, displayed potent inhibitory effects on both wild 13! That had to stop immediately. protein D614 and G614 variants mediated receptor association and virus . Did get side effects from over taking it,chest pains twitching arm. Further, Ive been writing about all these people who developed blood clots and died after the experimental mRNA or viral vector shots. It found that the extract had strong anti-browning and anti-microbal properties in fruits and vegetables. In order to grasp the seriousness of the situation we are in, and to understand why, we need to look back in history to the times in which this very day had been forecast, obviously planned for, and now created. I was sleeping for 14-15 hours per day for over a week. A summary of its antioxidant benefits are outlined in this report 100 Years of Suramin(attached as a PDF). Also, organic red wine contains a lot of Anti-Oxidants with many benefits in the current situation, although you should not drink to excess, of course!-. Shikimic acid is also found in white pine and red pine needles. Im a nurse that works at Penn Medicine in Pennsylvania in the operating room. Laurie, I agreegood words. Exactly, Jennifer. Pine, spruce, cedar, and firneedle tea may end up being the easiest way to gain the numerous benefits of the evergreen trees, along with a natural protection against unhealthy replications of spike proteins today. No way. Something was wrong, very wrong. I sprained my foot and could not forage for the pine needles near where I live. I am getting more and more nervous about it. Title: Prunella vulgaris extract and suramin block SARS-coronavirus 2 virus Spike protein D614 and G614 variants mediated receptor association and virus entry in cell culture system. His daughter Charmaine cancer started in her lymph nodes, under her arm. Plus if youre a Christian, God said, I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. It seemed that nothing we did after he came down with the virus was helping. Can you tell me which I should buy? Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones. But rest assured Ill keep going as long as my body permits. The headache is beginning to diminish. It is true that many will go with the passing night, yet those that remain will then shine all the brighter. Spike Protein Detox Suramin Muskoka Girls White Pine Teas Informative and content suppressed by the mainstream media. Some people get really crazy about this. Pam. Julie hands and feet turn purple blues and are extremely painful. Suramin [ S-U-R-A-M-I-N]. Oooh, thank you didnt know about Nano Soma. I tried the pine tea but I dont know if it did anything, but I also have a rare blood type so I dont know. I am going to find some of this tea and start using it. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the I thoroughly enjoyed this story and thought that it is my duty to place a comment so you know that people are reading these informative articles. Blood Adv. It is only available by injection, and has been a closely guarded secret not made openly available to the masses during this pandemic, yet is an effective solution for parasites and viruses of several kinds, along with a large number of other conditions. A 2011 study published in the Journal of Food Science demonstrated powerful antioxidant properties in a pine needle extract from the tree species Cedrus deodara. Check if the good people over at Dr. Kory & Dr. Marik group, FLCCC, might have a job for you; you have immense, valuable, critical knowledge, skills & experience. And Lou makes a delicious coconut almond yogurt with them. I didnt know this. All of these stories are very similar headaches, complain to doctor, doctor sends them home, they die from stroke, ruptured aneurysm or worse. Alcohol effects our brains, our cognitive functions and it also impairs our health so mentioning the verse about staying SOBER is accurate. Good morning Debbie. Peace fellow humans I pray for us all, Hi Chris, thanks for sharing this information. She recently came to the conclusion it was the mri w/that shot that made her foot limp. What is a drunkard? In fact one of the inventors of mRNA injectable technology, Luigi Warren, tweeted that shedding does in fact happen. If MRSA comes in as a secondary invader increase Copper. I have been putting a 1/2 tsp into a teabag and letting it sit until cool. So maybe there was hope. That mindset, and those that harbor it, will vanish like the darkness before the approaching dawn. Also childrenshealthdefense.org has a form to sign letting your elected officials know you are against the mandates. Im wondering if the vaxxed did spread something to you in the airplanes. Excessive coagulation causes blood clots, mini-clots, strokes, and unusually heavy menstrual cycles. I suspect all the people breathing spike proteins on me for hours is the case. *Sobriety of the mind and temperament go hand in hand with alcohol impairment.. have good sense, good judgement, wisdom, and level-headed in times of stress. Another claim is the spike protein breaks down within a month. Im just wondering how long does this go on? Red pine needle oil (or tea) contains something called suramin, which appears to be an antidote to spike protein contagion. The breathing issues resolved, but the swelling continued. That deepened the rabbit-hole and led me to the Harvard-educated good Dr. Jennifer Daniels, who once said The life expectancy of those who do not see the doctor is seven years longer. She also wrote the book The Lethal Dose: Murder by Medicine is No Accident.. Why are we finding this OK? Most drugs target a receptor for a hormone or neurotransmitter. This is day 4 of using the tea, and I continue to have good energy levels. I cut all caffeine and alcohol (mostly wine) from my life after the second day of headaches. How much was the Front Line Doctor consultation? PINE TEA: Possible Antidote for Spike Protein Transmission This has been my experience for 30 yrs. Int J Mol Sci. We will start with the old man, because once he is over 60-65 years old, man lives longer than he produces and it costs society dearly. The wine he drunk in those times has nothing to do with the wine we know now. Good and interesting article, However it would be good to know how shedding occurs. Also, this person has a cold which has turned into a sinus infection. Take the water off the stove right BEFORE it starts boiling and pour it over your needles. But I tripled the intake of those. NOTE: Nothing in this article is medical advice or recommendations, and is not to be construed as such. If I think that I am starting a cold, then I usually toss a Sage Leaf into any hot Tea that I make. Again, I was very fatigued along with the severe headaches. We need to spread this antidote to others as well. *Sobriety of the mind and temperament go hand in hand with alcohol impairment..Can one be clear headed, abstinent, self contained, have good sense, good judgement, wisdom, and level-headed in times of stress (sober) while using alcohol? Thank you for the article!! I am allergic to the serum is one of their solutions. He started natural treatments. [updates] Pine infusion, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine against spike If your comment is to dismiss Jesuss message about warning against alcohol, then you are in error. Many of the younger adults who took both jabs experienced bad migraines and horrible nightmares the days after the second shot. Taking the serum is one thing. Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. So happy you are better!!!!!! Maybe it was a combination of all the other interventions. Ive grown to like the flavor of pine needle tea with honey. 4 people in his office have tested positive for covid and hes been home for a week. Anything that is good for my blood, I was pumping into my body. Regarding graphene. Suramin - see below The injection contains TRILLIONS of their coded spike proteins PRIONS! Abstract: Until now no approved effective vaccine and antiviral therapeutic are available for treatment or prevention of SARS-coronavirus 2 (SCoV-2) virus . They may be making sure that their loved Everyone was packed in like sardines. Flat Leaf Cedar Tea is also strong Medicine. It comes in a synthetic pharmaceutical concentrate which can be injected into your body in case of emergencies or you can simply extract Pine oil through distillation." Counteracting the spike protein contagion from the experimental Covid I forgot to mention that my boyfriend passed away in October. The white cedar, balsam fir, white spruce, and white pine are featured in a video I watched, where the person is making the teas and comparing the flavors. Youve put your lifes work & effort into 2 very respectable professions. Interesting that we are Copper deficient since we were weaned away from Copper Pipes. Proverbs 23:20-21Be not among winebibbers people use turpentine in certain situations for health benefits, Eastern White Pine Tree Needles a Natural Source of Suramin, Peter Spann: 54-year-old Australian filmmaker dead two months after first experimental AstraZeneca shot, Barbara Buchanan: 63-year-old Oregon woman afraid shell die any day now after several Johnson & Johnson blood clots, #TwitterFiles conditioning conservatives to trust Elon Musk; plus Tucker Carlson vs. Hunter Biden, and the concepts of controlled opposition and propaganda, Died Suddenly update: Stew Peters lost all credibility for including footage from a heart surgery that happened in 2019, Katie Meyer: precedent indicates Stanford soccer player wrongful death lawsuit will fail; post-injection suicide, vaccine mandate arguments would have fared better. I noticed the price at the feed store went up 50-100% depending how far back you look (3-6mo). Here is the article that you have to read regarding the spike protein and its effects on . We will have taken care of having planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. Wine was part of their culture. The Rx was in the $200 range for 6 months. Alcohol effects our brains, our cognitive functions and it also impairs our health so mentioning the verse about staying SOBER is accurate. One is recommended, the other is forbidden, what is the difference? Suramin has inhibitory effects against components of the coagulation cascade and against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA. PMC I work as a disability support worker in Australia. Five different airplane trips the prior two weeks came to mind. I found this blog and thank you so much for this info btw. Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences. They are thinking his cancer is back or even worse, leukemia. These may be my go-to prophylaxis in a pinch when Im around vaxxed, GMO humans. It goes away after a while, but I do get one around newly vaxed people. You can go to Americas Front Line doctors and they will show you how to get Ivermectin. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31844000/, Youtube videos: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=suramin. Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more. The improved understanding of suramin's action advances the development of selective inhibitors of G protein signaling. The stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. Who knows. If you have a conviction, fine, live as you are convicted, but beware the Bibles warnings about the Judaizers. Im going to try the pine needle tea. Since I dont carry medical insurance, I asked if I could pay cash. Lowdose suramin in autism spectrum disorder: a small, phase I/II, randomized clinical trial, As suramin is a charged molecule and does not cross the blood brain barrier it exerts neurotoxic effects in the peripheral nervous system, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shikimic_acid, https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-05-09-is-pine-needle-tea-the-answer-to-covid-vaccine-shedding-suramin-shikimic-acid.html, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S027869150900266X, https://www.news-medical.net/news/20201012/Suramin-shows-promise-as-COVID-19-treatment.aspx, https://www.herbs4you.org/2022/04/healing-herb-pine/, https://www.simplelists.com/nfu/msg/16539359/, https://www.biologicalmedicineinstitute.com/post/eastern-white-pine-tree-needles-a-natural-source-of-suramin, https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=suramin, Vliaikaistiedote: En lis tnne en suomenkielist tietoa sill tm j kansainvliseksi sivuksi ja suomeksi lytyy sivusto osoitteesta. The God of Numbers 3 and Malachi 3:6 is the exact same God that we worship today, and He would have all of His people clear-headed at all times. I am adamantly against injection of toxins (mRNA), face masks, quarantine and face masks because all exacerbate immune deficiencies. Would you like email updates of new search results? Always err on the side of caution. About the first week in May 2020 he came down with a virus (he was not tested for Covid). 2020 Feb 21;64(3):e01168-19. Granted, Im not going to go out and start taking tablespoons of turpentine. Yeah, were Screwed! The people that say that plants arent real medicine dont realize that pharma has extracted a lot of its medicines from plants (only sometimes the extracted version either doesnt work or has negative side effectsmore evidence that our insistence on reductionism is misguided). It has also been used in the treatment of trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) and onchocerciasis since the early 1920s. So a comment that has had three or four upvotes, showing visitors that posts are read and appreciated, suddenly appears to a visitor as if it either moved zero readers, or offended them. He doesnt have any drug coverage so he used one of those discount cards (Good Rx) at CVS, and paid $40.00 for 38 pills with each one of them being 3 mg. I just recently started working in close proximity to someone who has been vaxxed. So perhaps the shikimic acid is destroyed upon boiling. Always feel worse for a few days it seems after a visit to Walmart, but maybe thats just me Thanks Much and am Glad that you also were saved from info provided by you and other brave folks! Nothing is wicked until sinful man misuses and abuses it. We naturally stayed home, didnt want to be around any people. This antidote to the contagion, that has been known of by the upper levels of the medical establishment and insiders of the elitist class for almost 100 years, is called Suramin, an isolated compound originally derived from an extract of pine needle oil. Prunella vulgaris extract and suramin block SARS-coronavirus - bioRxiv In 2018 I couldnt kick that illness and finally went to the dr. Luckily I saw a very cool dr, and first thing he said was, you havent been to a dr for 14 yrs based on your historyI laughed and said thats how I like it. Verily I say unto you, I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine, until that day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God. It must have been an instinctivecall. Hi. But I think now Im just paranoid and any little abnormality creeps me out. Im drying mine, like dried herbs, and keeping in a mason jar in a cool, dark place. I wonder about your measurements 1/4 cup of needles tightly packed? Not to mention all the tree sap and bugs on my kitchen floor, and my manicure was utterly destroyed. type and mutant . They drank wine in the old days often because water was not clean. I discovered the Suramin info just last week. [1][a parasite] Specifically, it is used for treatment of first-stage African trypanosomiasis caused byTrypanosoma brucei rhodesienseandTrypanosoma brucei gambiensewithout involvement of central nervous system. Prparer 1 litre de th aux aiguilles de pin et buvez-en tout au long de la journe (toutes les informations : Parution N7 en page d'accueil et cliquez sur les . I dont want to suffer any illnesses over this spike protein. Sheng Li Ke Xue Jin Zhan. Editorial: my story of potential exposure to spike proteins via shedding from vaccinated people, and the potential suramin, shikimic acid, pine needle tea cure and prophylaxis, When I ventured out to find pine trees for their needles, I kept in mind that the desirable trees have. 2004 Aug;4(4):200-14. doi: 10.1124/mi.4.4.4. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Aileen, I probably speak for many when I say that my prayers are with you and yours, that He stands by you and provides. This is a maintenance health-building dose. Has anyone been using Dandelion Tea or Fennel Tea??.. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343963794_Prunella_vulgaris_extract_and_suramin_block_SARS-coronavirus_2_virus_Spike_protein_D614_and_G614_variants_mediated_receptor_association_and_virus_entry_in_cell_culture_system Shawn, check out medicinevilla.com to order human grade Ivermectin without a prescription. I am taking 12 mg daily for 20 days in a row, then I will stop for a while. Klikkaa vain virallisiin tieteellisiin artikkeleihin viittaaviin sivustoihin. A2A adenosine-receptor-mediated facilitation of noradrenaline release in rat tail artery involves protein kinase C activation and betagamma subunits formed after alpha2-adrenoceptor activation. suramin spike protein - ocdc.com Source, Mike Adams, the Health ranger. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to stop abruptly rather than gradually deteriorate. I had dinner last night with a bunch of people vaxxed and I when I got home I felt off, I started having dry cough and my throat felt weird so immediately I got a ginger shot with some cayenne pepper and I woke up feeling better but my fingers on both hands felt tingling so I now believe in this viral shedding. Excessive coagulation causes blood . Ty, The way to efficiently extract from star anise is to grind them in a spice grinder, and using a 15 bar (Pressure) espresso machine make a water extract from them. God Bless you all! All three are derived from the properties of the conifer needle. Four days after eliminating caffeine from my life, the headaches persisted, but were far less severe. Now the people have the antidote, and it is readily available in the form of pine needle tea. Prunella vulgaris extract and suramin block SARS-coronavirus 2 virus Spike protein D614 and G614 variants mediated receptor association and virus entry in cell culture system Zhujun Ao , Mable Chan , Maggie Jing Ouyang , Olukitibi Titus Abiola , Mona Mahmoudi , Darwyn Kobasa , Xiaojian Yao Yew pines (Podocarpus macrophyllus), ponderosas (Pinus ponderosa), and balsam fir trees (Abies balsamea) are also toxic. They take personal views, then they use those as a hammer to pound those views and impose them on others. for What THEY thought The Right Reason.. Others By Fear, of No Income,Of Those Struggling to SURVIVE, The madness and Their Job Demands of Being GMOd I have Not Complied, Or Had ANY Testing. The Lord Jesus has told me over and over = No alcohol. There isnt a verse that demands no alcohol. The purpose is to enter all cells of the body and on the brain. They may provide a medicine cabinet full of health benefits to you and your family. Trypan blue is so-called because it can killtrypanosomes, the parasites that causesleeping sickness. Excessive coagulation causes blood . All the vaxxed are victims willing or not. La suramine contenue dans les aiguilles de pin, comme le prconise le Dr Judy Mikovits (voir publication N1 en page d'accueil de ce site). I even told a close confidant to handle a few things if I died in the coming days. Its one who habitually gets inebriated, who purposely consumes alcohol until drunkenness sets in. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01168-19. (Excellent info) and been doing it for like 10 yrs. ADVERSE REACTIONS: 4,682,268(as of July 16, 2022). They make Mullein Tea for congestion and Lung Issues and add a pinch of Coltsfoot if mucus does not budge easily. I just want to make a note on your comment, Liz. The headaches were all but gone by May 18 or so. Thank you for sharing and glad to have you back. ~ https://holisticgear.com/product/suramin/. Probably will be getting kicked off some platforms soon but many people have your blog info. My friend takes it and says its fantastic. Mark 14:25Verily I say unto you, I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine, until that day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God.