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The Beyonder was about to do it, but then suddenly Kubik and the Shaper of Worlds appeared. It can directly absorb energy such as Cyclops' optic blasts or even the entire energy of a sun. But, he warned, "love gone wrong can be dangerous--even to guys like us!" Foggy was in favor of it, since the Beyonder offered them a million dollar retainer (which he legally obtained as salvage from a wrecked ship), and started to work on it. He refers to the Beyonder from the original Secret Wars as a "child unit" of the Beyonders. Whoever got the most, won. The Beyonder was so powerful that the fallout of this conflict left a wish-fulfillment-like effect on the planet, allowing many heroes to regain things they had lost: Captain America was able to recreate his broken shield, among other effects. Beyonder then tells Iron Man, Thor, and Loki to stick to being part of his experiment or else they'll get what Hulk got. No, Wait, He's an Inhuman! This is similar to what happened when Beyonder saw Earth.". After the death of Death, the Beyonder increasingly began to become the target of conflict on a large scale. (Spider-Man was watching, ready to stop him in any case.) ", The Beyonder modelled his "human" body after, His hair is seemingly only superficially black. Ben points out the machine Spider-Man used to bring the heros to this world, and Doom uses this device to teleport. In Kosmos' 'Maker' incarnation, she was stated as capable of reversing The Crunch itself, essentially collapsing the entire universe. One such matter had to do with Power Pack. One day, the Fantastic Four, with the Thing, She-Thing, Human Torch, and Doctor Doom, showed up in his universe. [40], The Kyln was later attacked and destroyed by the Annihilation Wave. But when too many people started coming to his island, he began to wonder if he should move. Thus, he makes a deal with the hero Kanon, the great spirit Reno and the god of creation of the myths Militia and sacrifices . It'sugly! The Beyonder First Appeared In Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #1 By Writer Jim Shooter, Penciler Michael Zeck, Inker John Beatty, Colorist Christie Scheele, And Letterer Joe Rosen Then, flitting from emotion to emotion, he stopped it all, and began his search for Alex Summers. When she destroyed an entire Shi'ar settlement known as Eru 7, she caught the attention of the Imperial Guard. The Beyonder brought her, and then later the Power children, to a hospital. Powers and Abilities. Living in a self imposed exile for centuries, Druig led his secret . Thor suggested that he send him to Hel, where he could gain revenge on Malekith (who originally let him fall to his death) and on Hela, who had injured Thor's face. [17] Following this, the Beyonder is recruited to be a professional wrestler and is nearly killed by Thing in a wrestling match. A great light then shone out of a hole in space, and infamously said, "I am from Beyond! He fuses himself with the Beyonder. He then erased all memory of them from the universe. Finally he gave her half of his power (making her more powerful than anyone else in existence), but it didn't matter. The Beyonder is the sum total of a parallel reality called the Beyond-Realm or simply "Beyond", hence the name "Beyonder". He slaughtered most of the New Mutants and did battle with the Avengers and Rachel Summers, a.k.a. Reece said that it was important that he saw the difference between knowledge and understanding, and that he believed that experience was the best teacher. Editor's Picks; Entertainment. But the Beyonder felt that he had to keep doing something, he needed a role in the universe. Englehart did as asked but has stated that he tried to exile the character with dignity. They would have a contest to see if humanity deserved life. He was able to create a replica of Manhattan, including its normal and super-powered citizens, a feat that would certainly fall within the power of a sentient Cosmic Cube.Post Retcon Beyonder has reality warping powers, but not as powerful as other versions.Either he is holding back, or just his limitation. [4], They eventually hired the Pegasusian alien race as agents, to tow Counter-Earth to the Beyonders' museum. Around this time he also started exploring what Marvel was then calling the "multiverse": all the dimensions outside of the normal universe, such as Asgard, Mephisto's realm, the Microverse, the Dark Dimension, and eventually the Crossroads, a nexus of realities. The Beyonder liked the irony of this, and did it. The Beyonder is a cosmic entity of immense power. The Beyonder sought to make Alison Blaire (Dazzler), his lover, and even went so far as to bestow half of his power upon her so that they would be equals. Protege's great raise in power gained the attention of the Living Tribunal, who put both Protege and the Beyonder on trial. [33], In this universe, the Beyonder was anything and everything. FBO Forum. Dave volunteered, seeing in this act the chance to do something important with his own life, and the Beyonder killed him, resurrecting him as the new avatar of Death. Then the Beyonder appeared. Reece was annoyed, and didn't want to talk to Uatu, but Marsha did. As the Beyonder no longer exists, his universe also ceased to exist. He had Toots watch over him while he got his gang network into action. [51][full citation needed], In Mutant X, the Beyonder allies with Dracula to wage war on Earth's forces and to confront the entity known as the 'Goblyn Queen'. The character was retconned into a less powerful character, a self-aware Cosmic Cube inhabiting his own "dimension" because there was no matrix to hold his energy, with the explanation that other more powerful beings had exercised their powers on the Beyonder's behalf to ease his transition into self-awareness. Arrowverse The Anti Monitor makes his live-action debut in the Arrowverse adaption. A wave of negative energy was sweeping through the Microverse, and would destroy it all unless stopped. [12] After being visited by Kubik and the Shaper of Worlds, two sentient Cosmic Cubes, the Beyonder merged with the Molecule Man to become a new Cosmic Cube. She hoped that with the current universe destroyed, the Beyonder would lose interest in it, and would at least not destroy the future universe, whereas if he continued on his present course, he would probably destroy not only the current universe but any future ones as well. They were not above manipulation of beings that they saw as being "below" them: at one point the two of them created a moon-sized space station and ran the Fantastic Four through a series of exercises like lab rats. The Beyonder promises to fulfill the winning team's deepest desires. This happened through a somewhat disastrous path. Fantastic, inform Spider-Man and the Lizard that they were flying in a hovercraft at low altitudes to avoid being detected. The Beyonder appeared again, and tried to convince the Puma to be more like Parker, who knew his role in the scheme of things. The Beyonder was not exactly excited to hear this, given his monumental ego, and argued vociferously against them, but in the end saw that it was true. In Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars (by Jim Shooter, Michael Zeck, John Beatty, and Christie Scheele), The Beyonder abducts Marvel's greatest heroes and villains and orders them to fight on Battleworld. He arrives at the Beyonders location and uses his power seperator (elemental splitter) in a reversed fashion. Looking in, they saw the accident that had transformed Reece into the Molecule Man! This was the first appearance of Boom Boom. Today, Jeff continues to write comics, play soulful metal on his 8-string guitar, and analyze comics here at CBR. The Beyonder also had to exert himself in battle against the Molecule Man (who was a multiversal level entity), and he was overloaded by the Rachel Summers Phoenix, after which he collapsed on the ground, though only after granting her enough power to do so. With this in mind, readers have ample opportunity to discover the celestial god for themselves. [38] Months later, while contemplating his life alone, his evil persona took over and sought revenge against the Beyonder. He summoned many heroes to defend the unconscious Havok, but the Beyonder killed them all with a wave of his hand. He knew he needed a friend like Tabitha. He thought that the action would teach her that she was a hero and not a killer, but she just felt used like a puppet, and once again the Beyonder failed in his role of helping others find their own path. In one of his first attempts to help others, he became curious about an incident in which a child killed himself by setting himself aflame, trying to be like the Human Torch. At the end of. It should be noted that of course alcohol could only affect him if he wanted to let it. His frustration with this attempt led him to become more and more erratic and dangerous to the rest of the multiverse. Spider-Man unaware of Beyonder's great cosmic powers, attemps to attack the Beyonder. She was now bluish white, instead of gold. He immediately felt time passing by in a blur, and couldn't take it--he plunged back in and restored his godlike state in which he had "millions of times more [energy] than all the rest of the power in the multiverse combined." Dracula finally brings the Beyonder/Goblin Queen to Havok's location, and Havok comes out and attacks, buoyed by the power of several mystics and other characters. Until this be gained we can never know, we can not even prophesy the capacity and power of women for the uplifting of humanity.Susan B. Anthony (18201906). The Beyonders were first mentioned in the team-up comic Marvel Two-in-One #63 (May 1980), by Mark Gruenwald and Jerry Bingham. Kubik took on the job of teaching Kosmos about how to live a fulfilling life as a sentient Cube; the two began to fall in love. [49] Despite this, he was claimed to be either omnipotent or nigh omnipotent on different occasions, and to have power millions of times greater than Multiversal scale. All that Phoenix experienced--the totality of life, in all its forms, in all its infinite glory--is now his." The Red Skull and Doctor Octopus escape while Black Cat chases after. Thanos planned to keep the Maker alive to keep the Beyonder trapped in the only "prison" that could contain him. But everything he had heard led him to believe that being partly mortal was the only way to make it through. The Beyonder also had Klaw persuade Doom to grant him part of his power. Philosophical, maniacal, and deadly, The Beyonder pushes the term 'over-powered' to a whole new level. Gladiator and Starlord, among others, opposed the Maker and even gained the help of Thanos, who was visiting the Kyln on a pilgrimage. There is another dimension, where a race of incredibly powerful beings known as the Beyonders (plural) live and watch our universe. However, while he had expected that he could absorb it effortlessly, he could not: he "tries to turn away--only to learn he cannot. She did, and the New Mutants were freed of the Beyonder's attempt at forced enlightenment. As a result, death, portrayed by Mephisto, cannot destroy him. While watching them, his attention was drawn to Dazzler singing at a mutant battle arena--his first contact with her. [27], The Beyonder finally parted company with Vinnie, and used his powers to take complete control of every mind and even the very atoms making up the matter on Earth. Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. Angry at their rejection of his forced conversion earlier, he was intent upon their deaths. For the Beyonder it was like when the Dutch inventor Van Leeuwenhoek, looked through his microscope and discovered little paramecia swimming in a drop of water. Mr. He interacted with many heroes and villains and cosmic forces in an attempt to better understand the meaning and root of desire. They found the Beyonder and their tachyon beam attracted his attention. Post Retcon Beyonder #1 (Cosmic Cube)- Beyonder was a cosmic cube, created by beings called Beyonders, without a container. AzureSky2099 [39] He also lost part, or all, of his power on various occasions, some of them engineered by himself. The only difference between these two is the perspective of thinking. With a myriad of hints and easter eggs already in place, Secret Wars will introduce audiences to The Beyonder and prove why he is one of the most interesting--and terrifying--Marvel Comics villains of all time. Eventually, they all ended up at a punk club. She was so much happier now, and it was all because of him--but pointedly, he understood, she loved him for what he had given her emotionally, and not because he was the overlord of the world. A train came along behind him, and he "zapped" it with his fingers shaped into a child's "gun" position. He could even reshape the world in the hidden thoughts of the Illuminati, if only they wished it to be so. From his first appearance as a celestial being to his transition into human form, The Beyonder has starred in some of the most existential and exciting stories Marvel has ever told. Alarmed by the imminent threat of extinction, Phoenix, a.k.a., Rachel Summers, realizes she must use her powers to destroy the multiverse and protect future generations from The Beyonder's reign. So Doom now asked the Beyonder to restore his memories. The "true" Molecule Man pulled the Beyonder's essence from within Kosmos, causing her to fade. At one point in the battle, Kubik held the Beyonder's entire universe in his hand, and was about to crush it, when the Shaper stopped him. She wanted them all to engage him in one last ditch effort. What Beyonder powers could it be? Meanwhile, Thomas Fireheart, the Puma, was told by his tribe that it was his destiny to kill the Beyonder, who they said would bring about the end of the world. After becoming aware of the Earth, the Beyonders began studying the Marvel Multiverse with amusement and curiosity. He then has a sword fight with the Black Knight, during which the Knight stuck him square in the stomach with his sword. For this reason the Beyonder decided that the driving force of all sentient beings must be desirean emotional state previously unknown to himwhich manifested itself as a longing to grow; to be; to evolve into something that one is currently not in order to achieve a sense of completeness. large insect like robots had been hidden in the desert sands assault the two,but are quickly defeated. The sorcerer Doctor Strange advised him to find a purpose in life, and so the Beyonder decided to become a champion of life like Strange himself. Reality Warping: In all of his versions, The Beyonder has the general ability to manipulate reality [45] on a virtually infinite scale. When Did the Molecule Man's Personality Change So Dramatically? [25] The Beyonder took control of Klaw's subconscious mind and thus motivated him to encourage Doom's fears of his superhuman opponents in the "secret war" as well as playing upon Doom's own deep-seated doubts over his ability to control his newly gained powers. This only further inflamed Puma, but Beyonder left. If the Beyonder got his power from the Terrigen Mists, where did the Molecule Man get his power? She thought he was a mutant, and said she was one herself. Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars introduces The Beyonder's immortality, omnipotence, and unparalleled power to create and destroy at will. Venom is often considered the strongest overall because his powers and abilities are the most versatile. However, the Dragon was able to take her over anyway, and just took advantage of her extra power. [18], Subsequently, the Beyonder gave himself a body identical to that of Captain America. He brought her back to her time in the future, trying to talk her through her feelings of guilt and rage. The Beyonder begged him for enlightenment. At that exact moment, something strange occurred: Professor X sensed a strong presence nearby, which was mutant in nature.