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Although he has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, she still expects him to do things around the house. Unit 3 Practice Test pt 3 Flashcards | Quizlet This best illustrates: c.)linkage analysis. c.)in reaction to abnormalities in brain chemistry. At her health club, Bonnie pedals an exercise bike much faster when other patrons are using nearby equipment. 1997], evolutionary psychologists [Buss, 1995; Tooby and Cosmides, 1992] have emphasized that humans (and other animals) evolved specific cognitive abilities to deal with recurring problems faced by our ancestors (e.g., obtaining food, acquiring a mate). d.)erotic plasticity. a.)asexual. HSE. )lobotomy b. )Freud's psychoanalysis. Six-year-old Tommy wants his hair cut and combed like his father's. Diane has a free-floating anxiety that leaves her tense, irritable, impairs her concentration, and leaves her with many sleepless nights. d.)Freud; Elvis, b. a. )oral )bipolar disorder. c.)are genetically predisposed. Groupthink is fueled by a desire for: d.)generalized anxiety disorder. b. a. b. 5 min read. Even though Mary was not thinking about the events surrounding the day of her high school graduation, she can easily bring memories about that day to conscious awareness. )Shanghai genomes. a. The market prices of the investments are, AmericanInstrumentsbonds$850,000M&DCorporationbonds$1,460,000(Hint:Interestmustbeaccrued. b. With 1,014 Chinese singles, we found that singles preferred their ideal partner to share similarities in the HEXACO traits . e. People who are troubled by repetitive thoughts or actions are suffering from: d)bisexual. b. In front of an audience, he tends to play his violin even more beautifully than when he is alone. His doctor told him that it is likely that he smokes so much because: AP Psychology first half Flashcards - Contemporary psychology is best defined as the scientific study of. d.)only include males in his study. c. d.)major depression. b. A behavior geneticist would be most interested in studying hereditary influences on A) skin color. Stephen Jay Gould (/ u l d /; September 10, 1941 - May 20, 2002) was an American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and historian of science.He was one of the most influential and widely read authors of popular science of his generation. Thomas' behavior illustrates: )loss of appetite, especially for high-calorie foods )becoming so absorbed in reading a book that we don't hear the telephone ring 50 Social Change Research Paper Topics - iResearchNet Immediately you yell out "Crazy driver!" )tripled rate of teen suicide. Evolutionary psychologist studies human behaviour using informed biological approaches and modern evolutionary perspective. b. d. heritability. )automatic mimicry. The behavioral perspective is most likely to - Course Hero PET scan. The study of the relative power and limits of genetic and environmental influences on behavior and personality traits is known as A. molecular genetics. Males in their ________ are most likely to be sexually attracted to women who are several years older rather than several years younger than themselves. )"Objectivity does not guarantee validity." )including some conditions that are too "normal" to be considered disorders, such as extreme sadness related to bereavement. 3.1 Human Genetics - Introductory Psychology c.)schizophrenia. c.)obsessive compulsive disorder. )Larry effectively cope with dissociative identity disorder. Why Because people are greedy Modern evolutionary psychologists propose political ideas. b. a. b. b. a. Reinforcements, like praise from caregivers, are the most powerful motivator for most children. a. e. c.)2:1. )antisocial personality disorder. b. )behavior geneticists. The underlying assumption is that a demanding situation results in psychological distress and strain when decision latitude and control over characteristics of the situation are insufficient (e.g., Karasek et al. )obsessions d.)learned helplessness. The tragic decision to launch the space shuttle Challenger resulted in part from the minimal expression of dissenting views among NASA personnel and advisors. effortless encoding of incidental information into memory. b. c. behavior correlations. c.)a smaller cerebral cortex. Susan Nolen-Hoeksema (2003) related women's higher risk of depression to what she described as their tendency to overthink and compulsively fret over problems and the causes of these problems. However, she does want to gain insight into the roots of her difficulties. d.)stress inoculation training. )The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) b. b. As Kevin matures, he will probably develop a, d. higher level of intelligence than that of his biological father. Alex's behavior suggests that he is in the _____ stage of psychosexual development. c.)1 in 10 d.)Italy, Which of the following is the lowest reported psychological disorder in the United States in 2008? b. )People in the psychotherapy group actually improve at a slower rate than the people in the untreated group. 45 Evolutionary psychology is most likely to emphasize that human c.)epigenetics. d.)discouraging clients from using antianxiety or antidepressant drugs. a. Frontiers | The Evolutionary Psychology of Envy and Jealousy An organism's complete set of genetic instructions is called a: The thread-like structures that contain genes are called: ______________ develop from a single fertilized egg, whereas ______________ develop from separate fertilized eggs. nature and nurture. a. a. d.)almost anybody will develop schizophrenia if exposed to extensive environmental stress. a. b. Several studies have mate value in evolutionary approaches suggest that sex partners. a. C) behavior genetics. )Employed men spend an hour less on housework. in different species, which may be influenced by evolution. Chapter 4 Flashcards | Quizlet Evolutionary psychologists attribute the human tendency to fear snakes and heights to: a) gender schemas. c.)our desire for love and security Key Words: Notes: 4. The only reason she survived is because her husband came home from work early. a.)self-disclosure. a. b.)self-actualization. c. d.)A paper-and-pencil. the study of how the environment triggers genetic expression. Compared with many Asian and African parents, today's North American parents are more likely to teach their children to value: Compared to North American children, Chinese children are likely to exhibit ________ respect for authority and ________ shyness toward strangers. You agree. c.)epigenetic molecule. a. a. Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to emphasize that human In psychoanalysis, transference refers to the: Psychodynamic therapy has been found to be especially successful in the treatment of: )cognitive dissonance theory. d.)traits. Question 3. The role of Edgar's reactions in the gender-typing of his children would be of most direct concern to: According to gender schema theory, children become gender-typed because they, b. perceive much of reality in terms of masculinity and femininity. Which of the following fictional research findings is the best evidence against the idea that "our lives are determined by our experiences"? c.)Factor analysis Memory can be defined as the internal storage or faculty that stores the information and facilitates in retrieval whenever required. temporal lobes personality; political attitudes c.)children are more likely to be safely cared for by biological fathers than by their stepfathers. He gives her appropriate validation and encourages her to reflect on her feelings. d.)nicotine can temporarily decrease norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter overabundant in people with depression. d.)bipolar disorder. )maladaptive )"It works better on males than on females." A sense of being separated from one's own body and watching oneself with a sense of detachment is a symptom of: The Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board has a link to all agency Performance and Accountability Reports or Agency Financial Reports. The remarkable academic and vocational successes of children of the refugee Asian boat people best illustrate the importance of: People are most likely to notice the impact of environmental influences on behavior when confronted by: The ideas and traditions of a culture are typically perpetuated by means of: The practice of covering your mouth when you cough best illustrates the impact of: Even though there are many unoccupied chairs in the library study area, Wang chooses to sit in a chair right next to Annest. According to Carl Jung, the collective unconscious: d.)less; less. Psychology Exam 3 Flashcards | Quizlet She might be treated with: a. a. b. b. Biological origins of gender differences objectives 1 a. d.)a larger number of synapses. )attitudes toward and interaction with school authorities. a. This best illustrates the activity of multiple. )biopsychosocial d.)light exposure therapy. c.)mutation. )aggressive instinct c.)objective scoring; subjective scoring Evolutionary pschologists are most likely to emphasize that - c.)the superego DNA; genes Research on the causes of schizophrenia strongly suggests that: )Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) )"objectivity does not guarantee validity", You are an expert witness for the defense results of the MMPI. d.)those not undergoing therapy often improve, but those undergoing therapy are more likely to improve, and to improve more quickly and with less risk of relapse. d.)posttraumatic stress disorder. c.)generalized anxiety disorder. As group leaders, women are ________ likely than men to promote a democratic leadership style. d She knows a little about different therapies and has decided she doesn't want to get involved in anything long term. Instead of going to work with a frown on your face, you will force yourself to smile when you walk in. a.)self-transcendence. )Tonya, who has the positive symptoms of schizophrenia An evolutionary psychologist would suggest that people are genetically predisposed to: most left-handers process language primarily in their right hemisphere. c.)8 A meta-analysis of child-parent attachment in early childhood and d.)fundamental attribution error. c.)pleasure principle; moral principle d.)cell nucleus. Cognitive dissonance theory emphasizes that we seek to reduce the discomfort we feel when we become aware that: c.)selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Researchers have found that matching Asian-American clients with counselors who share their cultural values facilitates: A 3-month-old baby girl is always cheerful, relaxed, and predictable in terms of sleeping and eating. thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. a. Although EP has yielded many theoretical advances and empirical discoveries, it has provoked resistance from some scholars in the social sciences ( Confer et al., 2010; Laland and Brown, 2011 ). An evolutionary psychologist would be likely to suggest that human preferences for sweet-tasting foods: )antisocial personality. d.)is the part of the unconscious mind that reflects human evolutionary history and is common to all people. c) memes. d. d.)genetic predispositions have little effect on our social relationships. Edgar responds to his daughter's fistfight with, "Good girls don't fight!" a. The third approach arises out of the job stress literature. 1 in combination with 2 directs our attention as researchers not to parts of the brain but to the programs run by the brain. ____ 53. c.)the foot-in-the-door phenomenon Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to emphasize that human adaptiveness to a variety of different environments has contributed to human. c. In 2016, 21 of 24 CFO Act agencies received unmodified audit opinions. )binge eating and purging by self-induced vomiting Flashcards - psych test 1 - FreezingBlue d.)client-centered. b. Identical twins separated at birth and raised in completely different cultures would be most likely to have similar: We are likely to ________ the personality similarities among children in the same family and we are likely to ________ the personality similarities between parents and their children, At the age of 3 months, Kevin is removed from the home of his abusive biological parents and placed with adoptive parents who provide a happy, stable environment. a. d.)schizophrenia. )gives rise to two personality types, the introvert and the extravert. chromosomes. Rats that received unpredictable electric shocks in a laboratory experiment subsequently became apprehensive when returned to that same laboratory setting. d.)less likely to be the same sex and less likely to be similar in extraversion. b. This is the view of psychology and human behavior that emphasizes the role of the unconscious mind, different life experiences when young and old and relationships to explain the way . d.)linkage analysis. Modern evolutionary psychologists propose that many motives have evolutionary underpinnings Homeostasis and Drive Theory Homeostasis- a state of internal physiological equilibrium that the body strives to maintain Requires a sensory mechanism for detecting changes in internal environment, a response . d.)very rough guidelines for diagnosing mental disorders. Evolutionary psychology dating a. Because he believes that "real men have no fears," 8-year-old George has difficulty accepting the fact that his father is fearful of losing his job. b.)glutamate. Recent brain research contradicts previously held beliefs, indicating that new neurons are actually formed in the brain. )have hindered human reproduction. )are at decreased risk for antisocial behavior. Unit-1 - Study - UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY* Structure 1 Since the time of Darwin, there have been many other scientists who have. b. b. b. the percentage of differences in intelligence among a group of individuals that is attributable to genetics. )People in the psychotherapy group improve at about the same rate as the people in the untreated group. cognitive psychology the study of the mental processes involved in perceiving, learning, remembering, thinking, communicating, and solving problems. thalamus c.)interpersonal psychotherapy. In this case, the heritability would be closest to. Cognition involves processes related to thinking, attention, memory, perception, problem-solving, knowing etc. The Psycho dynamic Approach. Raine reported reduced activity in the murderers' _____________ , which is a brain area that helps with impulse control. Babies are born with personalities that are relatively stable throughout their lives. Clearly, Jennifer is already acquiring a knowledge of traditional, Women's leadership responsibilities have most clearly been limited by their, A person's sense of being male or female is his or her gender, The acquisition of a masculine or a feminine gender role is referred to as. )people often enter therapy in crisis, and these crises often pass without professional help. d.)doubled rate of divorce. Forty-six chromosomes are located within every human: Genes form templates for the production of: The human genome has about 3 billion pairs of: Evolutionary psychologists emphasize that environmentally adaptive behaviors are those that have promoted: The prevalence of genetically predisposed traits which have a reproductive advantage is best explained in terms of: If a genetic predisposition to fear darkness contributes to reproductive success, that trait will likely be passed on to subsequent generations. )learned helplessness. )natural selection. AmericanInstrumentsbondsM&DCorporationbonds(Hint:Interestmustbeaccrued.)$850,000$1,460,000. Why is Naima's hand washing considered part of a psychological disorder, while Rana's is not? Discuss. According to a recent survey of 1,200 people, 61%61 \%61% feel that the president is doing an acceptable job. )foot-in-the-door phenomenon. This technique is known as the: c.)An empirically derived b.)altruism. The child's chances ________ if the adopted parents have schizophrenia. )negative symptoms. )2 weeks Parents and peers have complementary influences on children; but peers have a more important influence on: a. B) overemphasizing humans' capacity to learn and adapt to a variety of environments. b. b. )cultural practices. c.)systematic desensitization. )underestimating the extent to which people differ from one another. b. Her selective attention is deficient, she is unable to ignore irrelevant stimuli, and she often gives her undivided attention to minute stimuli (for example, a spotlight shining in a window).