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[p] Among the examples there is the cooperation between a dentist and patient. Cancer In another case a Mercury man lost his reputation when his girl friend Saturn had an abortion. [p] The hidden areas of decadence and destructive force in this relationship finally did lead to Mercury's psychological breakdown of competence. [p] The majority of examples show two people who could so easily give each other security and stability. The two people may have a steady contact in a work environment with a responsible endurance of duty; or they have at some time a problem or grief between them. In other cases, the understanding and identification is in their passions. Other times it is loyalty, devotion or generosity. In some of the examples, there was a more casual and intermittent contact between people in widely varied fields of interest, who nonetheless made an impression upon each other's lives. 79, Section 3, New Taipei Blvd., Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City, Taiwan, 242032 +886 2 8522 9980. Copyright 2000-2014 Synastry:SunMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts The relationship is probably quite steady, but it's not exciting. Click Mercury in 8th House Synastry. [p] The deepest and finest of human relationships for the good of both can be directed to the good of mankind. The Saturn person in the Sun conjunct Saturn synastry relationship is going to be the one who sets boundaries and continually challenges their partner to become more responsible and mature. Synastry:SunNeptuneAspects Pluto finds Mercury intriguing. There were several dynamic attractions, where Mercury began a love affair with Mars that lasted a shroter time than the progression. In this Sun conjunct Saturn synastry . [p] Over a period of 22 years Mercury and Mars had various episodes of trauma separately, within a few years of each other. Synastry:SunJupiterAspects the moon person often sees Saturn as a safe place and a home. Synastry:MoonMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts [p] There are very few marriages in the examples. [p] During the progressions, the two people can meet very well on a matter of business. This is not a combination that encourages flowing or superfluous conversations between you. I can only imagine the square being more difficult. Most of the examples are of long term relationships, in family, friends, marriages, and business contacts. We usually find Saturn interaspects with personal planets in long-lasting relationships. Neptune does rule drugs, and in the examples where drugs are a distinguished part of the exchange between these two people, it will be mentioned. [p] There is a vigor, a stimulation between the two people. Thus, a distance was created between them. They were not "problem children" in any sense of the phrase. [p] Though the potential threat is there, the Mercury square M.C. There was an example of rape. Older folks born between September 1952 and October 1953 have this difficult aspect. The Mercury-Neptune aspect between people born in the early 20th Century is not apt to pertain to drug use as it was less common then. The Pluto person enjoys the humor and the thoughts of the Mercury person. However, it may feel as though there is a communication barrier between the two of you. [p] In one example, a woman with Mercury conjunct a man's Jupiter, paid 45000.00 to get him out of a legal bind at the time of this progression. Synastry:Mercury-NeptuneAspects [p] A woman had Mercury conjunct the Moon of her husband's best friend. However, when an opening came for a position requiring methodical system and capacity of management Mercury overlooked Saturn in favor of another. Why isnt Mercury turning to him or her? Synastry:MoonUranusAspects Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop www.infopop.com 2000 You find the mind of your partner magnetically attractive. The mother worried about his lack of frivolity or fun during his adolescence. [p] In a long term marriage, Mars had a slight stroke at this time. [p] Mercury offered help and assistance to the extent that he could; his stability of friendship, his business efforts, his time and attention. I'm fascinated to know if . [p] In other examples Mercury can't be bothered. The Mercury person may, in some ways, look up to the Saturn person, who tends to display a rather mature way of thinking that Mercury admires. MERCURY SEXTILE MARSMercury has the ability to build a constructive relationship with Mars. [p] A self-centered, cautious Mercury will coldly abandon Saturn to his own burden. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. He used to be frustrated that I didn't communicate enough. Sun conjunct South Node (Ketu): Sun is the power.The person was in authority over you. I just can't hang in for another round of emotional abuse. Look The energy and desire patterns do not blend in full. They stayed together but the relationship itself disintegrated. Mercury conjunct ascendant synastry suggests that the personality of the ascendant person is highly compatible with the mind of the Mercury person. in a conflict of wanting his own reputation to get first notice. [p] They come together to share, or experience at the same time a matter of cooperation for their mutual benefit (or for a greater general good) or a coercive experience. Book Now. More frivolous qualities of Mercury are . There were secret love affairs that were ecstatic and erotic; and one case of secret abortion of a pregnancy. [p] The examples show many relationships for common goals in business, marriage and friendship. She was able to accept the man imparitally without any urge to personal involvement. [p] A patient had Mercury square the Pluto of his doctor. These relationships appear to offer both heaven and hell to the people involved in them. From what I've gathered, Mercury feels childish in the presence of Saturn; the aspect basically leads to a lack of communication. [p] In the progressions, Mercury often leaned on Saturn for security, rather than develop an exchange. [p] The severest examples have underhanded deceit, cold loathing, or tragedy. But Saturn sees it differently. In fact, anything that happens outside of the relationship in the area represented by the personal planet can be seen as a threat to the exclusive bond the couple had at the beginning of the relationship. [p] A son with Mercury opposition his mother's Saturn cared for her financially from the age of 17 when his father died, to the time of her death 30 years later. [p] The most harmonious relationship of Mercury square Pluto has some nature of coercion in it. There are few marriages in the examples. There is usually an exchange of protection and trust, nourishment and care of each other. This means our driving force which includes sex drive, initiative and courage. He did write her poetic love letters that she kept secret. In any case, this person will be able to see through you on a very deep level. It may also be that situational factors are such that true emotional intimacy is blocked, even though both parties want to get closer to each other. also, two synastry aspects that I absolutely have distaste for are mars opposite pluto and venus opposite pluto. [p] The progressions have examples of friendship on an intermittent basis of contact. [p] In one case a marriage dissolved because Mercury made no effort to sexually or socially reach agreement with his Mars wife. As usual, tighter the orb, the more intense. Mercury Registered: Dec 2012 . [p] In all the examples of Mercury conjunct Jupiter, both persons are in a period of growth, hope, and optimism. It is easy to see, with this kind of pattern, that either or both individuals could feel trapped together at times! [p] This is an advantageous aspect for both persons. Negativity or criticism may dominate your communications from time to time. The Hindu, with Mercury conjunct the woman's Jupiter, understood and identified with her growing needs of philosophical expansion. Saturn may deal with this fear by putting down the experience, punching holes in the theory that this threatening other has presented to Mercury. Their relationship is characterized by close cooperation not only in the intellectual and educational sphere but also in . Moon conjunct Ketu: Moon is the mother. [p] One of the women was his mother. MERCURY OPPOSITION PLUTOMercury has in common with Pluto certain heights and depths of experience. Mercury suspected Pluto of infidelity. on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, Synastry:Mercury-SaturnAspects There is a certain time when the way is clear for the, to build a mature exchange. Synastry:MoonSaturnAspects Mercury was interrupted in his work by an accident in which he broke his leg. [p] The people who take drugs have Mercury to Jupiter aspects as this is often a new expansion of experience or indulgence. Mercury can tap the spiritual heights with Pluto. Periodically they would develop an impasse of hidden conflicting force, or the urge to rule or ruin that both possessed. [p] There is one example of a relationship of which we can only speak in reverence, as Mercury was known as a saint among men. quite literal differences -- my friend comes from a different kind of home life, wealthier than i, and he's much younger than me, too (well, i'm 35 and he's like 27). Both partners may feel resentment brewing in their . But it's still frustrating (pluto = too many power struggles. when we do get together -- it's yak yak yak, and the communication spills way over the top and just keeps on pouring out. MERCURY TRINE PLUTOMercury spontaneously falls into a cooperative contact with Pluto. MERCURY SQUARE VENUS[Has already been requested and posted], MERCURY SQUARE MOON[Has already been requested and posted], MERCURY CONJUNCT MOON[Has already been requested and posted]. I'm hoping that when I stop or let go of this I have completed the karmic dance. Moon may sense a certain level of seriousness and even harshness or narrowness in Saturn that may not even exist in absolute terms. With decision and initiative he can easily arouse Mars' energy to whatever he desires. The outcome and effort is a matter of the choice and effort of the two people. Synastry:MoonMarsAspects The sense that Moon gets is that Saturns needs for commitment are paramount, and that frivolous expressions of neediness or dependency wouldnt be appropriate; or that expressions of dependency on anything or anyone else will be met with Saturns disapproval. Mars conjunct South Node (North Node opposite Mars): Every interaction is bursting with passion and dynamic energy. Libra [p] The progressions are subtle. It will also help them to navigate difficult aspects between them. [p] In all the examples, Mercury gives some beneficence to Jupiter. As time passed, she felt that whenever she found someone else funny or even something else funny, her partner came down on her in some way. Mercury conjunct Ketu: Mercury is the sibling.The person was a brother or sister. The transit of Saturn conjunct your natal Saturn is the most important period of life since it always happens around the age of 29, when you begin to be older and totally responsible for your destiny. They must withdraw until they can again cooperate on a basis of mutual benefit. Obviously, Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and expansion, can bring someone into your life. [p] Mercury did not always choose to take the responsible step. Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost. Saturn may not even be aware of this unconscious reaction to Moon. Synastry:Mars-SaturnAspects Synastry:Mercury-VenusAspects Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Evolved1 Knowflake . They do have some of the characteristics described above, but generally there is less defensiveness between the two, and criticism is constructive if it exists. Saturn can help Mercury clarify and define ideas, but very often ends up criticizing or belittling them instead which makes Mercury doubt, withhold, or simply stay quiet. [p] A woman with the aspect to her son had frequent short periods of separation from him. [p] When Mercury develops a contact based on coercion, the subsequent inversion will leave nothing of value. [p] The Neptune aspects indicate the aesthetic or ecstatic fantasies, the release of tension or effort, or the mystical experience that comes with drug use. This is the couple that quickly falls into a routine though they barely know each other. Emotional distance doesnt benefit either person. Saturn does not feel comfortable with that initial bond changing, or what he or she perceives as changing. When this business sold, the profit was so great that the two were able to take an extended vacation to Hawaii that was a long cherished dream. There is a possibility that someone whose Mercury is in your 8th House is playing the role of the trickster in your life. A woman had Mercury opposition the Saturn of a dear friend who went blind. MERCURY CONJUNCT NEPTUNEMercury has a familiarity with the ideals or fantasies of Neptune. Lets take an example of Mercury conjunct Saturn in synastry. [p] In those cases where there is an ego or integrity clash, or where stress comes from other aspects, they both tend to move apart from each other rather than hold a steady unity. [p] They never lived together for longer than a few months; circumstances parted them for months to years at a time. The second time this transit happens will be at age 56, and it is also significant because it marks the . Also, sag_stellium- it seems like there's a ton of negative energy between you two. Mercury may offer work, stability or security at a time when Saturn has difficulties. Venus conjunct Ketu: Venus is the wife or lover. Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Ascendant in the signs: Aries The positive manifestation of the Pluto conjunct Mercury synastry aspect is relating on a very deep, soul-transforming level. [p] In another example, two people with Mercury conjunct Pluto had little personal contact. This synastry aspect indicates that in the past life, there . With the wide variability of the sextile, these examples hold every possible expression of the planet's nature. In synastry, this aspect will enhance other positive aspects between people. Saturn is the planet of restriction, commitment, and reality. is more indicative of difficulty in getting public notice or credit of any kind. In the early stages of their relationship, the woman found the man very funny. She kept the relationship on an open friendship level in which they exchanged their deepest dreams, hopes and visions in a communication that approached the mystical. Synastry Chart Aspect Meaning. Saturn generally is the one who wants the bond to be exclusive, and although the personal planet person generally wants the same thing, that personal planet person feels enormous pressure to be a certain way and feels like he or she is not free to express him or herself in a natural and dynamic manner. He was in a political office where divorce would jeopardize his public position. Synastry:Mercury-MarsAspects I've been digging around on the internet but haven't found much information on Mercury/Saturn in synastry. [p] In some cases there is an intermittent long term association where the two occasionally expend their energy together but do not press any advantage to deeper relationship. It implies an inexorable struggle of selfishness and problems. She expressed her own imagination in the community little theatre group. Synastry:Mercury-MercuryAspects [p] There are several examples when Mercury took the opportunity, not of construction, but of sheer destruction. [Note that a commitment doesnt necessarily literally mean marriage. [p] Whether Mercury shares with the Moon a long period of close daily association, or intermittent periods of contact, he is inclined to responsive sympatico. They often withdrew from each other in sharp disagreement, but returned to work again on a common level of construction, in which they had understanding and identification. They may reach a harsh exchange of pique, criticism, resentment, provocation or anger, and they both withdraw until they can make contact again on their level of agreement. I don't see us going anywhere though. Leo MERCURY CONJUNCT PLUTOMercury has a familiarity with the heights and depths of Pluto. [p] Several love affairs had disastrous results. Under the stress of a business failure and loss, they separated. They meet by chance. The two can easily reconcile their differences with a little effort. [p] There are only four examples where the contact is not set in the home environment. And that's just the conjunction. Mercury might feel childish or not bright enough. [p] In the progressions there were varying degrees of cooperation for a broad area of general good and mutual benefit. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. [p] A mature and unselfish Mercury will help Saturn through grief or loss, poverty or problem, job or work. [p] Mercury was a lusty, virile man, who understood well his Scorpio wife's erotic needs. [p] In all the Mercury-Pluto aspectes, the contact implies a time when both persons are in a period of intensity, or inversion of pattern, temporarily or permanently. She also began to view experiences when he was not around as a huge release. She was the doctor who headed the research lab group. [p] In the progressions there are similar examples and some that were less harsh. He understands or identifies from his own personal experience with Pluto's ethos, his aspirations, or with his insidious dark areas. Where they reach an understanding and identification on a personal level, their basic personality, disposition and attitudes do not blend. Typically an aspect like this can signify a struggle to leave the past behind. His Saturn falls into my 7th house, Pisces. [p] The Mercury N parallel Mercury progressions include several of the closest friendships between people of diverse backgrounds, where the contact was broken by one person moving away. She didnt giggle as freely, as there is nothing more flattening as breaking into belly laughs only to be met with a look that says, Youre so immature. She began to feel that they didnt share the same sense of humor, even though they most certainly did at the beginning of their relationship. As the relationship comes so easily and naturally, Mercury is not always appreciative. It must be emphasized here and now, that this aspect does not cause the violence. [p] Another example was of two young men who were both musicians, who spent many compatible hours together smoking pot. even though my mercury is in aries and his is in virgo -- it is like our mercurys are conjunct. [p] The progressions show a period of time when the two people may be very close as Mercury responds with comfort or assistance to Saturn's difficulties. The Saturn person may exercise some kind of control over the personal planet person - some form of restriction. An employee accompanied him to work while mother pursued her own enthusiasms. Thanks. In other cases Mercury underrated M.C. [p] There was a rather unlikely combination of an old Hindu gentleman and a young housewife who met at a lecture, and began a lifetime friendship. MERCURY OPPOSITION ASCMercury has in common with Asc certain attitudes and inclinations. Sagittarius I mentioned this). The way they think and talk fascinates them. [p] They come together to share, or experience at the same time a quality or condition that is idealic, or that holds a note of mystery or scandal. There are examples of antipathy as well as affinity, brief contact as well as endurance. [p] The various problems that Saturn had were in health, injury, loneliness, harsh discipline, over-work, poverty, divorce, death in the family, jail, or psychological difficulties. A doctor with Mercury opposition Mars to a youngster worked with him periodically for three years of physical therapy after the boy had polio. Saturn may deal with this fear by putting down the experience, punching holes in the theory that this threatening other has presented to Mercury. Saturn can feel mighty threatened by this simple experience. Mercury took the opportunity to eulogize his memory in idealistic terms. Other things: he judges my language skills harshly, but if someone else picked up 2 words in a another language, applause will be showered on them. There was sufficient exposure to send him to prison. The validity of what you communicate, concentration on syntax, and realism is emphasized. The planet of karma and the karmic points align. [p] The Mercury sextile Neptune shows the opportunity, no more. Skip Main Navigation. Also, your conversations tend to focus on serious topics or practical affairs and business, which can become dull for one or both of you. Topic: Saturn conjunct Saturn in synastry: GirlMercury Knowflake . But Saturn sees it differently. There is an easy and natural affinity, as Mercury is proud of the Sun. Your conversations may be on the dry or serious side at times, however. Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman.com) Lindaland Astrology 2.0 Saturn conjunct Sun in Synastry=Glue? Where they reach an understanding on this matter, the full expression of their viewpoint or experience in work, self-discipline or restriction does not blend. Mercury at some time has sparks fly, or rejects Mars. Synastry:SunVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts . A self-centered Mercury makes an indifferent use of Saturn or takes advantage of him. He can't embrace his unconscious issues and I'm worn out. When the larger adaptation of a common environment is required, they build up inflexible differences. [p] With the Mercury trine Mars aspect, the chance for a constructive relationshup comes so easily that Mercury seldom puts any more effort into the matter than circumstances call for. Mercury-Saturn in Synastry. In several cases the two people went into totally new experiences together that expanded their horizons and philosophy. Saturn needs to be very careful not to interrupt, ignore, or judge Mercury when Mercury is speaking. If it is a partnership, competitiveness is the driving force. Mars - astrology meaning Mars symbolizes the need to get what we want. [p] A priest with Mercury opposition the Pluto of a young woman worked with her in church groups and personally supported her through a period of reversing her aspirations to a courageous and noble decision. She was not involved in the sex club but knew of its existence. Scorpio [p] The Mercury square Moon progressions show a period of time when Mercury is drawn into domestic contact with the Moon, or has concern for his health and welfare. Mercury put her energy and courage into taking care of him. When the individual makes good use of that Mars energy force in construction, creation, sex, or action, it cannot accumulate into trauma. [p] They will share, or experience at the same time a domestic relationship or situation. [p] A man had Mercury trine the Saturn of a youth who was a family friend. He understands or identifies with the Moon's mental processes. Mercury conjunct Pluto in synastry indicates an intellectual connection in the first place. From our Romantic Compatibility report: Your relationship may have begun without serious communication problems, although there can be some reserve at the beginning, as Mercury especially feels somewhat awkward and self-conscious around Saturn in terms of what to say, how to say it, and so forth. They did separate after two years of cohabitation. In an example where Saturn had a failing business, Mercury didn't have the money to give him financial assistance, and had to go to work somewhere else to support his own family. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Synastry:Mars-MarsAspects In two cases Mercury was selfishly used and abandoned by Saturn. [p] There are more personal than business relationships in these examples, though the worldly position or business touches upon the contact. Powered by Infopop www.infopop.com 2000 Powered by Infopop www.infopop.com 2000 The contact does not seem strong enough to withstand any trauma. [p] The conjunction is neutral in itself. There is an ease of circumstance, or a common interest that brings them into the same environment. [p] The Mercury who takes undue advantage with no commensurate effort loses the benefit. Saturn could be silent often. They would both pick-up and respond to each other's mood and mental attitudes. The sexual exchange is dynamically passionate and satisfactory in both the heterosexual and homosexual examples. When the aspect between Mercury and Saturn is a flowing one ( sextile or trine ), your Saturn partner helps you to structure your thoughts, plan your life, and give form to your ideas. As time goes on, inevitably Mercury will excitedly share an experience wherein he or she had an enlightening conversation with a friend outside of their relationship. Capricorn He had her followed by detectives and he threatened her with an ultimatum. If they had, one or both of the persons would have been ruined. In one example a young man had Mercury sextile Neptune of an older woman who was a dear friend. Whatever it is, Moon can feel somewhat constrained by the relationship, and unable to express the child within, simply because of the expectation that Saturn may not approve, may not be capable of understanding, or may not be equipped to handle these expressions. we do have other north parallels between us, so there's a stronger bond as rodden says, but there are those differences he mentions as well. Most Saturn placements in a synastry chart represent past life karma. They cooperated in a mutual trust and benefit, in that Mercury rented Pluto's house. [p] If both persons are able to change their personal situations to build common experience and communication, the exchange is beneficial to both. Their relationship was primarily a clash of wills. Synastry Aspects - Astrology Meanings and . Synastry:Mercury-JupiterAspects But often Mercury is stimulated to ego-competetiveness with the Sun that starts a period of push and pull conflict of domination. [p] In other cases, Mercury underrated Saturn, when Saturn was exactly the person who could have helped best. We have all seen Saturn in synastry at work in some shape or form. His social life is too active to not text others. Mercury had a baby bleed to death at birth, Mars had a baby stillborn. [p] In other cases, the bond of Mercury N parallel Mercury insured a life-long affinity, though the two people had such different lives and experiences that they rarely maintained enduring contact together. You also learn a lot from each other with this aspect in your synastry chart. in a way that caused a strain to their relationship. The example charts include approximately 60 persons who have had drug experiences. [p] Apparently many people need this discipline, for we have, suprisingly, long term contacts in marriage, family and business. If there is a distinct Saturn-Neptune connection within the Synastry chart, it is quite likely that the Saturn-Neptune connection also touches the Sun, Moon, Venus, or Mars in both of the partner's individual charts. Pisces. Saturn trines and sextiles are generally considered supportive. [p] One woman married twice; both time she had Mercury opposition the man's Saturn. i have a relationship with someone that could be described very much in that manner. The position of the synastric Saturn in your natal chart shows where and how your partner will tend to oppress and restrict you; the evolutionary level of their Saturn will show how precisely they will . The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. In all of the examples, there is more or less of the sharing of the intimate details of the mental processes and the day to day experiences. Saturn can feel mighty threatened by this simple experience. The chemistry in this relationship brings out the individual need for security and safety in both people, and each will certainly find a basic sense of safety with the other. [p] There are other examples of relationships that, fortunately, received no public acclaim. This relationship has a precisely defined purpose to help both parties evolve into a better version of themselves. The Saturn person may feel like a grounding and stabilizing force to the Ascendant person. Where Mercury does have concern for the Moon's physical or mental health or welfare, there are obstacles to block his sympatico. That period of tentsion may be in their sexual attraction, a dispute or disagreement, an element of jealousy or competitiveness, a demand, a temper, or a trauma. The caution here is to avoid too much censoring to the point that Moon feels emotionally isolated, misunderstood, or blocked.