Choosing between Striker or Raider Iso-8 class is only your choice because Kestrel benefits the same from extra damage or extra critical. Over the years, the leader of A.I.M. The power of the Black Bolts ultimate under the effect of Offense Up (from Ultrons minions) is devastating he will kill at least 3 enemies after each use which will be enough for Thanos to regenerate his ability energy at maximum. All other characters are mediocre at best, including Shuri who sometimes has better synergy with other Top Tier heroes from your roster. He is a Top Tier hero in the true meaning of that word. On top of that, Sam permanently increases his own Health and Health of all Secret Avenger allies by 40% while in Raids he permanently increases the Health of all other allies by up to 20%. Bishops ultimate causes up to 270% damage to the primary and adjacent targets. Nevertheless, Inhumans and Ultron are the force to be reckoned and can be used in Ultimus 7 very efficiently. In my opinion, the Iso-8 class for her is Raider because she has 2 AOE attacks and increased Critical damage. His first skill delivers medium damage but if Hulk is under 50% of Health the damage is multiplied. On War Offense, her ultimate also clears Defense Up from all enemies. Additionally, it grants healing equal to 20% of Omega Reds max HP each turn and Speed Up+2 Deathproof when his HP drops below 60%. Healer ISO-8 class is a natural decision for this hero, although she could increase her Focus by deciding to equip Skirmisher class. If you need Mordo for full Supernatural synergy you can replace him with numerous other Heroes that can improve the strength of this team (Minn-Erva, Mysterio, etc..) but in the fact that we need another Hero for this team remains. Spider-Man [Miles] is a nice addition to the player roster. His first skill inflicts medium damage and has a chance to grant him the additional charge and ability energy. Also at the start of each turn, Kestrel heals herself for up to 20% Max Health clearing all negative effects in the process. Operative is one of the reasons why Nick Fury is so powerful. Okoyes full potential will be reached only if she is in a full Wakandan team. The synergy between Avengers is really improved and now some Heros who were average before can be a real menace to any enemy team. This team requires that opponents use the best available teams if they want to clear the Room meaning that X-Men assigning in the Defense will eventually pay off in the long term. In AW ultimate also applies Trauma on all enemies and it cant be blocked. Theory craft says that Spider-Man Symbiote will grant another Stun, mass Slow and decent AoE attack which is much more dangerous than before with Green Goblin. He gains Charged status and fills his Speed Bar by up to 30% whenever he is attacked but every attack also clears Taunt from him. Shuri provides a lot of sustain but unfortunately, her healing cannot match Minn-Ervas even in Raids. However, if you want to achieve the best offensive potential from X-Factor Heroes the best option would be to leave Silver Surfer in the team and replace Multiple Man with Kestrel. Villain, Global, Bio, Controller, A.I.M., Minion, A supervillain organization made up of evil mystic Ninjas. Either this team is more useful than Astonishing X-Man or not is something that can be learned only in practice, so I will put this team in second place on our Raid Tier List before I am not sure that they deserve a better place. It is true that Beast doesnt offer sustenance as the Symbiots Drain ability or Ebony Maw and Minn-Erva but with Jubilee, Beast will play twice as often allowing him to keep the Health of his allies on maximum all the time. Night Nurse is an excellent healer who is able to deploy a wide variety of health restoration abilities, Hero, City, Skill, Support, Shadowland, Infiltrator. Phoenixs ultimate inflicts heavy damage to all enemies and clears up to 3 positive effects from each target. Trooper is the primary damage dealer in the S.H.I.E.L.D. If Groot is his ally, assist always granted and taunt is applied on Groot. Iceman is the second new member of the Astonishing X-Men team (along with Kitty Pryde) and he has really impressive controlling abilities. Her first skill causes heavy damage to the single target. After using the ultimate Baron Zemo gains 1 Charged. If you need Vision for another team, you can replace him with Thanos but that team is not as potent as the team we presented. Unlike Longshot, Shatterstar is someone who could be used outside of a full X-Factor team because he has 2 extremely dangerous AOE abilities. In Alliance War offense damage output of the ultimate is increased by 50% Piercing damage when fully upgraded. In my opinion (besides the obvious choice of Fortifier ISO-8 class) Stature can also use the Skirmisher class with success. Mystic Doctor Doom nodes proved to be the hardest for continual raiding without spending resources, so introducing 3 new Mystic Heroes specialized for raids automatically places them on top of our Best Raid Teams list. She is specialized in defending the Helicarrier. Dark Phoenix cannot place Vulnerability or benefit from other actions available to ISO-8 classes but he receives stat improvement from a chosen ISO-8 class. Nick Fury and company are good for raids as well as for other game segments. On kill, both Deadpools and Cables Speed Bar is filled by 30%. Crystal is an amazing Inhuman who will be an irreplaceable member of the Black Bolt team. Security to this team to emphasize Marias healing with his Block Chance. If the target has any positive effects his Extra Crit Chance is increased by up to 50%. Hela can also be combined with other Heroes who can place useful debuffs at the start of combat (for example Vision plays before her and when he place Ability Block on the target, Hela will spread that debuff on the entire enemy team which can be crucial for the battle outcome). Basic Increased Damage. His first skill delivers medium damage and has a 50% chance to chain up to 1 adjacent target. Since he opens the combat with an AOE it might be best to equip him with Raider ISO-8 class. Outside of Alliance War, Shang Chi is just another ordinary character who will grant a certain Blitz win for his team and who will not have any significant impact on Arena or Raid. Crystals Ultimate is very powerful and it inflicts heavy damage to all enemies which can be almost doubled against Slowed opponents. His price is 45 shards which are available through Villains United 2-3 and Nexus 5-6 missions. Sabretooth is a feral brawler, member of the Mutants Brotherhood, who obliterates his opponents with prodigious attacks. His second skill strikes very hard and applies 3 Bleeds on the target. Mercenary Riot Guard can be summoned by Kingpin. However he needs Longshot to do that, so if you want to use Shatterstar before the full X-Factor team is introduced you will be forced to use Longshot as well. The Hand was founded in the 16th century by Japanese nationalist Samurai, but the organization was soon overtaken by Snakeroot, an ancient Ninja clan who worships an ancient evil demon known as the Beast of the Hand. In Marvel Strike Force, Hydra Sniper is a Hydra minion who harasses enemies with piercing damage. All members of the team gain 100% drain which is amazing. Also, she can be farmed in 5-6 Heroic Assemble campaign mission and in the 2-6 Cosmic campaign mission. Psylockes price is 45 shards currently available in Cosmic Conflicts 3-6 Campaign mission. His price is 45 shards obtainable only through Mega Orbs, Premium Orbs, and 3-6 Mystic Campaign mission. Sam Wilson is an amazing Protector whose versatility can be used even outside of the Secret Avengers team (he synergies with almost all SKill Heroes) and as such he is an ideal addition to Maria Hill and Sharon Carter. Like some other Legendary Characters, Jubilee can be used in some custom combinations but her true power can only be seen in the full Astonishing X-Men team. On a turn, if he is Charged, he attacks all non-minion enemies causing heavy damage and all minion enemies causing devastating damage, after which he places Disrupt for 2 turns on all minion enemies and clears up to 3 positive effects from each enemy. All in all, the Supernatural team is very deadly in almost any segment of the game. Scientist Supreme works best with A.I.M. Villain, Cosmic, Skill, Controller, Black Order. Lady Deathstrike is a Weapon X Brawler who softens enemy defenses with constant attacks making them vulnerable for the rest of the Weapon X team. His second skill causes medium damage against the primary target and up to 3 adjacent targets inflicting Slow to all attacked enemies. Her special skill causes up to 320% Piercing damage and clears all positive effects before it Chains to up to 4 adjacent targets causing up to 290% Piercing and clearing up to 3 positive effects after every successful critical strike. Due to the new Taskmasters kit, he will assist on every Underworld or Mercenary ally turn. She can heal only 1 ally for a huge amount of health and she has a chance to flip Bleed on the lowest Health ally and adjacent allies. Additionally, it also clears the positive effects of the primary target. Hero, Global, Mutant, Blaster, X-Men, Latent Potential. With the introduction of Agent Coulson, the Operatives role has been slowly diminished but she can still be used with success. Killmonger is a Mercenary Wakandan Blaster who improves his critical chance with each strike delivering unbearable pain to his opponents. Her first skill causes medium damage against the single target and fills her Speed Bar by up to 20%. When the skill is used, Doctor Doom removes all Deathproofs from all Doombots and instantly kills them. At the same time, Sam is granted +1 Deflect up to a maximum of 5. His second ability strikes the primary target for only 160% of his base damage but strikes adjacent targets as well and transfers positive effects excluding Stealth and Taunt from the primary target to self. As someone who can work with all Hero Cosmic Heroes Silver Surfer, unlike many recent Heroes in Marvel Strike Force can be used in custom teams which makes him probably the most versatile character in the game at the moment. Gravitons price is 100 shards available in Minister of Science Orbs, Field Controller Orbs, and Alliance War Store. Blob ultimate inflicts massive damage to the primary target and all adjacent targets. The opponent will have to use a custom team made of META characters in order to beat your Black Order which means that they will have to break 2 or 3 premade teams in order to beat your defenses and even than victory will not be granted to them. Also, up to 4 negative effects from the primary target are spread to the entire enemy team and if there are any non-summoned Asgardians, 2 Regeneration buffs are granted to them. Yellowjacket always executes his ultimate under the effect of Offense Up (his ultimate is similar to Gamora ultimate except he attacks all adjacent targets as well) and it can be repeated numerous times as long as he kills at least one target with each attack. If Jubilee is an ally, on an enemy miss or Astonishing X-Men dodge, Kitty heals the most Injured Astonishing X-Men ally by up to 10% of their Max Health. Bridge (200 pts) 3. Colossus uses his organic steel skin to protect the X-Men and harm enemies who attack him. However, Moon Knight is unable to Block incoming attacks. With Asgardians, the most important thing is the initial Loki/Hela connection. Simultaneously Sam places Defense Up on the entire team and Speed Up on all Secret Avenger and Skill allies. Colleen Wing is a Heroes for Hire Katana Brawler who cuts through enemies like through butter. At the end of every turn, if Mistys Health is below 50% and she is Charged, she spends 1 Charged for getting healed by 100% of her Max Health gaining Offense Up for up to 2 turns, up to 2 Deflects, and Deathproof in the process. Scientist Supremes ultimate heals her and all allies for a medium amount of health and applies one to three negative effects to both allies and enemies. You will now be able to play with ease against various teams with more power, that caused big troubles before (stronger S.H.I.E.L.D. Media Coverage; Podcast; Films. It is still a theory craft but when you have someone who can open the fight by pulling up enemies like Magneto preventing all of them to get any buffs for up to 2 turns and flipping all Regeneration into Bleed you ask your self can you ask more from the Hero. Protective of Rocket Raccoon. Shield Maiden of Asgard, Sif combines counterattacks and Taunt to protect her fellow Asgardians. As someone who will assist on almost every Wakandan turn and since she lacks Focus to place Defense Down constantly, Okoye needs Skirmisher ISO-8 class to reach her full potential. If she has 3 or more Shadowland allies or the target is Defender she places 3 bleeds instead. Guardian of Soul Stone, Adam Warlock prevents his Infinity Watch allies positive effects from being cleared or flipped. Emma Frosts ultimate clears Charged from her and all positive effects from all enemies. every turn which is ideal for Raids. Additionally, he heals the most injured non-summoned ally for up to 10% of his Max Health while clearing Heal Block at the same time. Villain, City, Tech, Blaster, Spider-Verse, Sinister Six. Yondus ultimate delivers medium undodgeable Piercing damage to all enemies. A.I.M. All new players who are about to start doing DD4 should seriously consider bringing Cloak to T15. Spider-Mans ultimate inflicts heavy damage and stuns the target. Without Cloak, Dagger does not have many uses although she can be used as below average healer. Passive ability grants Sabretooth 5% increased damage per Brotherhood ally and Deathproof when his HP drops below 50%. His second skill attacks the primary target and all adjacent targets causing moderate damage. She can also place Offense Down with her basic attacks. Depending on the situation Karnak should be equipped with either Raider or Skirmisher ISO-8 class. Storms skillset makes her ideal for raids especially if combined with Beast, Cyclops, Colossus and Phoenix. IF you put him Skirmisher he will place Vulnerability to anyone who attacks him. However if you choose to put them into defense you will not be dissapointed. Only Infinity Watch may pose them a threat, but even them are not an impossible task for Weapon X company. Also, her ability to benefit from every negative effect that is placed on her either by healing herself or by punishing enemies with all negative effects active on her makes her an ideal option against literally every team or Hero that relies on debuffing. This team can be assembled with Killmonger instead of Black Widow but in my opinion, Killmonger cannot help the team as Black Widow can. It also prolongs the duration of Bleed Slow and Offense Down by 1 turn. The ability to counter-attack several times while she is under the effect of Taunt can be very useful especially against near-death targets. Nobu is an expensive HAND Controller who summons Ninja allies. Namor obviously needs Raider ISO-8 class to reach his full potential and to fully exploit his AOE ability in AW Offense. The difference in strength between them and other teams is just too great. The passive ability allows Polaris to place Bleed on every enemy that attacks an ally with Barrier and after each critical from Polaris or an X-Factor ally, it removes all Deflect from the most injured non-summoned enemy. When we know that he always starts the turn with Evade and that he counters every attack that really means something. The answer is that this team has definitely a better attacking potential of original Defenders or Brawlers without Heroes who are mentioned in this team. Deadpools ultimate bounces between the whole enemy team striking all enemies for 230% of his base damage. His second skill inflicts heavy damage to primary and adjacent targets and additionally inflicts bonus piercing damage if the target Blocks. Monstrosity is a massive brute that gains strength at the expense of vulnerability. Jessica is cheap and her price is 15 shards obtainable through Mega Orbs, Premium Orbs, 2-9 Villains United campaign mission, and 4-9 Nexus campaign mission. However, if you want to be sure that she will place Slow and Offense Down on every targeted enemy be sure to equip her with the Skirmisher class. However, since she will be primarily used in War Defense where she will have maximized Focus for all abilities it would be wise to give her Striker class while letting Colleen place Vulnerability with her constant assists and counterattacks. Mantis price is 45 shards obtainable through Mega Orbs and Premium Orbs. Outside of War Defense, Coleen Wing is an above-average Hero who has special synergy with Misty Knight, Luke Cage, and Ironfist which makes it extremely important for assembling a new Blitz team now when original Defenders are literally dismantled. Passive ability grants her chance (100% on Level 5) to gain Charge at the start of combat, increases her maximum HP for each Guardian ally, and heals all allies for a portion of her Max Health at the start of each turn. Ironheart replaces Vision in all aspects except cleansing allowing Vision to be used in other teams (power and versatility of Vision are welcomed in numerous team combinations). Since Asgardinas are META in Alliance War defense SIF should be unlocked asap. During Stealth, Miles Dodge Chance is increased. . She obviously needs the Healer ISO-8 class for reaching her full potential. In War Defense She-Hulk also permanently increases the damage of self and all Fantastic Four allies by 30%. Toad has also up to 50% chance to gain Assist Now on each Brotherhood allys turn and whenever the Brotherhood ally is taunting he receives +1 Offense Up, up to a maximum of 3. Ms. Marvel is a very interesting hero who has higher base damage than Iron Man and more Health than Captain America. One defensive spot in your room should be definitely left for them. A.I.M. Additionally, all positive effects on her and other Weapon X allies will be increased by 1 turn (up to a maximum of 5) upon killing a target. Passive ability enables her to punish targets that are missed or if they dodge attacks by Elsa and her allies if she is in a team with 3 or more Supernatural allies. His Passive ability is very powerful and grants healing and increased Speed Bar to all Kree allies who receive additional ability energy. Using Minn-Erva in this team restricts you from using her in some other combinations so in worst case scenario she could be replaced with Kree Oracle buy then you will not be able to prevail against some teams that were beatable before. Passive ability applies Immunity on Okoye whenever she is under the effect of Defense Up and grants her 1 Charge when she or Wakandan ally performs a critical strike. Since he needs to stay alive as much as possible he should be equipped either with Fortifier ISO-8 class to increase his survivability or with Healer class to increase the overall sustenance of the entire team. Kingpin is a demanding crime boss who summons bodyguards and orders allies to attack. With this team, you will be able to win against much stronger teams regardless of team composition and you will have problems only against custom Ultron teams and much stronger Asgardians in the Alliance War. Stryfe is a very powerful tank and in combination with Emma Frost, Mister Sinister, Mystique and Sabretooth he poses a great threat to anyone. It is sufficient to point out the importance of Adam Warlock. As a pure damage dealer, Bullseye needs a Striker ISO-8 class to reach his full potential. Like all other Hulks skills, his passive provides him with bonuses when he drops below 50% of Health he gains Speed Up and Deathproof. Above all that, passive ability grants Kestrel permanently increased Health by up to 20% and an additional 20% Max Health if she has at least 1 Cosmic ally or Nick Fury, while Nick Fury himself is granted +40% Max Health. Yo-Yo is not an ordinary Protector since she has no Taunt, nor increased Health or Block chance but her ability to apply Defense Up, Offense Down, and Evade during the whole combat and her dodge rate makes her probably the best Protector in the game currently. Her first skill inflicts medium Piercing damage against a single target and grants her chance for gaining Evade (100% when fully upgraded). and Inhuman allies with Defense Up and Evade while applying Offense Down to all enemies at the same time. team with the help of Phoenix will be definitely the team that can deal with anything on the opposite side. If Multiple Man is an ally, Polaris gains +100000 Extra Focus for flipping Regeneration to Bleed. It also reduces the Speed Bar of the primary target by up to 25% and places Stun, while applying Slow on all other enemies. Captain Marvel is a killing machine! Also, he reduces the assist chance of all enemies in War by 100% instead. Red Guardian and Yelena Belova allow you to assemble an interesting Skill MIlitary team. In Marvel Strike Force, Kree Noble is a Kree minion who provides his allies with offensive buffs. His passive ability increases the Speed Bar of the whole team after each kill, grants Ultimusand 10% Block chance per non-Minion Kree ally and permanently grants 20% Bloick cahcne for him and non-Minion Kree allies. To be effective, all of Emmas abilities require Mutant Villains, therefore, she is not very strong when combined with other Heroes. He will not need an extra Focus for placing Slow but since he can make bonus attacks on every enemy turn it might be best to equip him with a fully improved Skirmisher class. His passive ability grants increased focus and increase his Speed Bar whenever Pyro is under attack. Iron Man is a versatile damage dealer with high armor and low health, Hero, Global, Tech, Blaster, Wave I Avenger, Power Armor. His special ability applies up to 2 Random negative effects to the primary target, transfers 1 positive effect (excluding Taunt), and causes heavy damage to that target.2000 Extra Focus is granted per Pym Tech ally for this attack. Mister Fantastic is a Cosmic Controller who enables the assists of Namor and Fantastic Four allies at every turn. He is able to heal two most damaged allies for a fair amount of health every second turn (when enhanced). It will be tricky to find 5th member of the Heroes for Hire team until we get another Hero for Hire but until then the obvious solution is to remove Silver Surfer from the X-Factor team and to add him to Heroes for Hire. Whenever an Undead Asgardian dies, the most injured non-summoned Asgardian is healed for the big portion of Undead Asgardians Health. You can get Hand Sorceress at the beginning of the game as you start Villain campaign missions. The sole purpose of Rescue is to live long enough to cast her ultimate and empower her Power Armor ally. Her first skill inflicts medium damage to the primary target and removes 1 positive effect from that target. His second skill inflicts medium damage, chains to additional targets, and gives up to 2 Counters to Daredevil and all Shadowland and Defender allies. Loki ultimate summons 2 mirror images of Loki at 300% of his base damage and provides Loki with Stealth and Evade. Her presence on the battlefield grants Defense Up on Infinity Watch allies during the entire battle. Her second skill also inflicts heavy damage which is increased with each Hero Brawler in the team. Additionally, Lokis passive ability reduces enemy resistances by -30% and places Invisibility whenever Asgardian drops below 50% HP. She will work best with Guardians obviously, but she can be used in other team combinations as well. Passive ability grants Yellowjacket increased Speed by up to 20% and increased Drain by up to 25% as long as he is under the effect of Offense Up. He is a quick attacker that weakens opponents and evades incoming attacks. Additionally, it clears Counter from the entire enemy team. In beginning the sole purpose of A.I.M. All important decisions and strategic moves are controlled by the Supreme Intelligence, making the Kree Empire a military-technocratic dictatorship. All in all, Mystique should be a great asset in your roster especially against stealth targets and targets who have a lot of buffs. He could be equipped with Healer Class or with Striker class but Fortifier Class is literally meant for him. Corvus Glaive uses Stealth and Piercing to infiltrate and eliminate the Black Orders enemies. I dont want to speculate the true power of a full X-Factor team before it is introduced but it seems that al X-Factor members will be able to passively heal themselves every turn when their passive ability is fully upgraded. With the introduction of Doctor Octopus Shocker remained a vital part of new Sinister Six team so he should be maximized as soon as possible. Weekly Blog: Absorbing Evil. In-depth heroes and minions information and guides. Also, at the start of every turn, she heals herself depending on the number of non-minion Asgardian allies. His basic skill is always assisted by Hydra Rifle Trooper. This can occur only once in combat per each Inhuman ally. Other viable options instead are Ultron, Kingpin and, like what I'm using, Sniper sadly. If she dies while charged she instantly Revives gaining +10% Damage Reduction, +10% Damage, and +175% Resistance per Charged. On maximum Charged she transfers all negative effects from self and each Fantastic Four ally to the enemy with the most Damage and then attacks that enemy causing medium damage to the primary target and minor damage to adjacent targets removing all Charge at the end of the attack. It also grants up to 20% Resistance to X-Men and if there are 3 or more X-Men allies in the team the first ally death does not count towards the loss of a Medal in Campaigns and Challenges. Human Torch buffs the entire team and he is capable of delivering enormous AoE damage but unfortunately his ultimate cant be used before the third turn. Also, whenever a negative effect is applied to an enemy Ghost Rider increases the Speed Bar of self and all Supernatural allies by up to 3%. Nebula is a relentless Cosmic Brawler who constantly harasses enemies with her fast strikes. If every member of the Alliance puts H4H and Weapon X team in the defense, the enemy will not have enough Infinity Watch teams to break the defenses and there will be no fear of losing the entire Helicarrier. His shards can also be gained through Mega Orbs and Premium orbs. Also whevenr an enemy Taunts Ultimus Speed Bar is increased by up to 30%. This team was once a META but that was a long time ago and now all that remains is its usefulness against other custom teams and Defenders. If choosing Nick Fury as 5th member seems too offensive for you (which is actually not) you can always add S.H.I.E.L.D. Outside of AW, the Skirmisher class is definitely better. In Alliance War, the ultimate also clears all positive effects on each enemy. His basic ability is similar to Quakes but unlike her, he always places Slow after which all Slowed targets are constantly harassed and crippled. Ultrons ultimate is the most powerful single target skill in the game, even stronger than Iron Fist and Iron Man ultimate, and it inflicts double damage against targets with Defense Up providing Ultron with 1 ability energy per buff at the same time. Swarms ultimate attacks all targets causing heavy damage and placing up to 2 Bleeds on each target. 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